Репост из: Box Of Tiup [OPEN]
Hello there, good afternoon, dear mutual. I approach you currently in the means of requesting your assistance. I believe that with broadcasting this to you, it’d benefit both parties, you and I.
To reduce beating around the bush, I’d like to convey my purpose. It’d be of much appreciation if you were to forward this broadcast to your channel yourself. Do inform me through @fanrenheit_bot if you require any kind of similar assistance, for I’d be more than pleased to be a helping hand, it is only fair for me to do the same. As for my own link, it will be attached below this dispatch.
I sincerely hope for your cooperation—and it is of much gratitude that I enclose this message. Thank you earnestly in advance!
Hello there, good afternoon, dear mutual. I approach you currently in the means of requesting your assistance. I believe that with broadcasting this to you, it’d benefit both parties, you and I.
To reduce beating around the bush, I’d like to convey my purpose. It’d be of much appreciation if you were to forward this broadcast to your channel yourself. Do inform me through @fanrenheit_bot if you require any kind of similar assistance, for I’d be more than pleased to be a helping hand, it is only fair for me to do the same. As for my own link, it will be attached below this dispatch.
I sincerely hope for your cooperation—and it is of much gratitude that I enclose this message. Thank you earnestly in advance!