🎉🎊Happy New year
The last promo in 2022 😍
(valid until 31,12,2022)⏳
📌To celebrate the new year, we have considered a discount on the following subscriptions:
✅ Amboss Official: 25$
✅ Osmosis Prime: 30$
✅ Acland’s Anatomy: 20$
✅ 5minConsult: 20$
✅ Sanford Guide: 25$
✅ Etg complete: 25$
✅ StatRef: 25$
✅ Bmj Best Practice: 25$
✅ Learning BMJ: 25$
✅ Usmle easy (Steps 1,2,3): 30$
✅ BoardVitals (6 months): 30$
✅ BoardVitals VIP (6 months):45$
✅ClinicalKey: 25$
✅StatDx (proxy): 25$
✅Springerlink (proxy): 25$
✅Scopus: 25$
✅Sciencedirect: 30$
✅Wiley ejournals: 30$
✅Wiley ebooks (2 months): 30$
Packages: 📱
Research Combo: 40$/year, including:
-Science Direct
Practitioner Combo: 45$/year, including:
- Uptodate
- Dynamed
- VisualDx
- AccessMedicine
- Lexicomp
LWW Health Library Package: 35$/year, including:
- Internal Medicine
- Ob/Gyn
- Surgery
- Psychiatry
LWW Health Library Package: 40$/year, including:
- Cardiology
- Emergency Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Medical Education
- Ob/Gyn
LWW Health Library Package: 50$/year, including:
- Anesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Critical Care
- Emergency Medicine
- Internal Medicine
👤💬Contact us: