/pol/ Charts Repository

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Образование

Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Human brain gene significantly increases monkey brain size after genetic modification of the monkey fetus.

This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the human brain is influenced by genes.

Topic: brain / genetics / intelligence

Net energy cliff. EROI is "Energy Return on Investment" and describes the critical factor of how long it takes for a power plant to "pay for itself" in terms of the energy it cost (not money) to construct.

"Green alternatives" perform poorly and are either at the border of the 12:1 EROI minimum for a prospering society, or below it.

Topic: EROI / renewables

Recombinant virions, when a host cell is simultaneously infected by two viruses of the same species, packaging of the offspring may viruses may include mixed-and-matched genes, giving rise to a novel unique composition. It is this process that leads to periodic outbreaks of pandemic influenza.

Topic: viruses
Source: ibidem

Different types of viral genome architectures.

Topic: viruses
Source: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Viruses (P Lostroh 2019)

Hospitalizations per death for Covid-19 in different countries.

Topic: Covid-19/epidemiology

Polymorphism frequencies by race, note that these are per 10 000; i.e. most of these variants are quite rare.

Source: ibidem

Finally some clarity on the ACE2 topic?

Topic: SARS-CoV-2/ACE2/ethnic differences

Is there a verdict yet on the purported racial difference in ACE2 expression?

The answer so far seems to be no, with lack of data being the cause. This is an excerpt from a Nature article.

Age of Menarche in Mexico. The average age has been decreasing which is typical of developing nations. Of note are urban "non-indigenous" (i.e. admixed with African DNA) women reaching menarche the soonest, in keeping with r/K theory. Similarly, non-admixed indigenous ruralite women have retained the highest age at menarche, which corresponds with their ancestral population (Ancient Mongoloids ~10kA ago). SES is most likely a proxy for nutrition in Mexico.

Topic: menarche

Drugs and their effects on male or female sexuality. This is both a study in sex differences and in drug use.

Topic: drugs/sex differences

Genetic correlations of serum 25OHD levels (a type of vitamin D) and a variety of phenotypes in White British (n=433k).

Topic: genetic correlations/vitamin D

Biomarkers by African or Asian ancestry. It is important to note that markers significant for one race are not significant for the other, i.e. the genetic architecture underlying these biomarkers is race-specific, as the SNPs associated in one race do not associate well (or at all, judging by those p-values) in the other race. This chart essentially lists genetic racial differences in phenotypes.

Topic: race differences/genetics

Chromatin architecture and phenotypes. Here mice with and without Type 1 Diabetes are tested for the organization of their chromatin and its effect on the disease.

Topic: chromatin

Genetic differentiation of the wolf in Siberia. The genetic PCA roughly corresponds with geographic distribution (i.e. spatial autocorrelation). Fst value is 0.036, which the authors interpret as "active gene flow" between the populations.

Topic: wolves/populations/Fst

Extreme conditions drive the evolution of social behavior in rodents.

Topic: evolution/life history

Dear Coomers:

attached to this post is a simple self-assessment for whether you've got Problematic Porn Use or not. Simply add up your score and if it is over 20, you may need to reconsider a few lifestyle choices:

Topic: masturbation/disorders

Old ovaries are crap. Definitive transcriptomics data from nonhuman primates supports this theory.

Topic: ovaries/women/reproductive health

Cladistics applied to ncov. There is genetic variation even among viruses with as little as 30 kb of genetic material.

Topic: ncov/viruses

friendly reminder from the /pol/science division

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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