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فراخوان کنفرانس‌ها و موقعیت‌های تحصیلی و کاری در رشته روابط بین الملل و علوم سیاسی

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کنفرانس ، روابط بین الملل، فرانسه

We are delighted to invite you to the 17th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations (PEC), to be held in Lille at Université Catholique de Lille, 27-31 August 2024


مدرسه تابستانه، در حوزه امنیت بین الملل
۵ بورسیه کامل هم فراهم شده است
کینز کالج لندن، انگلیس

The Cambridge Security Initiative
& The Department of War Studies, King’s College London
The International Security and
Intelligence Programme
7th July- 3rd August 2024- Emmanuel College, Cambridge Sir Richard Dearlove Scholarship
There are five full tuition-fee Scholarships available for students attending the ISI Programme – who will have a GPA above 3.6.

The Cambridge Security Initiative welcomes applications for the 2024 ISI Scholarships.

The deadline for Scholarship applications is 17:00 Greenwich Mean Time on Monday 12th February 2024. https://thecsi.org.uk/international-security-and-intelligence-isi-programme/

Conference: Emotional Dynamics of (In)security and Politics

This conference seeks to explore the relationship between feelings of (in)security and emotional needs towards protection and political responses to those feelings and needs.
The Conference “Emotional Dynamics of (In)security and Politics” is hosted by the Chair of Political Science and Comparative European Research of Saarland University (site) and funded by the Department of International Relations of Saarland University. There are no conference fees involved.

Location: Saarland University, Campus
Date: June 11-13, 2024
Please send paper proposals to the conference email address conference-emotionaldynamics@uni-saarland.de, including your abstract (500 words max.), affiliation, and a short bio-note. Indicate to which panel you would like your paper to be considered. The deadline for paper proposal is December 15, 2023.

There are no conference fees
. We welcome papers from junior and advanced colleagues, and papers adopting multidisciplinary approaches Conference Organization: Dr. Beatriz Carbone, Prof. Dr. Georg Wenzelburger (both Chair of Comparative European Politics at Saarland University https://www.uni-saarland.de/lehrstuhl/wenzelburger/forschung/emotional-dynamics.html

موقعیت های شعلی در روابط بین الملل و دیپلماسی https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_browse.php?category_id=30

موقعیت های شغلی و دکتری مرتبط با خاورمیانه https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_browse.php?category_id=70

موقعیت های شغلی در رشته های علوم سیاسی و روابط بین الملل https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_browse.php?category_id=78

سایت خوب برای موقعیت های شغلی در رشته های علوم انسانی، در کشورهای مختلف https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_browse.php

سایت خوب برای پیگیری تمامی فراخوان های مرتبط با رشته های علوم انسانی https://networks.h-net.org/networks

بورس های مختلف برای دوره فرصت مطالعاتی و فوق دکتری در رشته های مختلف علوم انسانی https://networks.h-net.org/group/pages/20001793/funding

Call for Papers: The 18th China Goes Global™ Conference: A Premier Gathering of Thought Leaders https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20011941/call-papers-18th-china-goes-globaltm-conference-premier-gathering

فراخوان مقاله در مورد

" ابتکار کمربند و جاده و اسیای مرکزی" ، ژورنال ، ترکیه
Call for Papers: Belt and Road Initiative and Organization of Turkic States as the Balance Shifts in Central Asia

Submission Date: 01/06/2024 https://networks.h-net.org/group/announcements/20012532/belt-and-road-initiative-and-organization-turkic-states-balance-shifts

موقعیت پستداک، اقتصاد سیاسی، آلمان
Please see the call below for applications for a 2-year research-only postdoctoral fellowship at TUM in Munich for recent (or very soon-to-be) PhDs with special support for seeking longer-term research funding support at TUM or elsewhere in Germany or Europe. The postdoc is co-financed by the university and individual professorships and thus requires a two-stage selection process.  Given the tight timeline, I encourage applications by the end of the day this Saturday, 11/11.

My team and I welcome applications focused on a broad range of IR/IPE topics (please see below for priority interests).

Best wishes,

Tim [Büthe]

Postdoc in International Political Economy
under the TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship Program

postdoctoral position in a vibrant research team with eligibility to apply for longer-term research funding support from German and European sources;
·       a fellowship as set out at https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/careers-and-jobs/postdocs/tum-global-postdoc-fellowship;
·       the opportunity to develop your professional research and leadership skills in a high-impact field with excellent career opportunities.

پستداک در علوم سیاسی، آلمان

Please find below a call for applications for a Postdoctoral position in Political Science at Leuphana University Lueneburg (Germany). A thematic focus lies on migration politics. Strong methods skills (quant/qual) are a must, experience in mixed-methods research would be an asset.
Best regards,

یک سایت خوب برای پیدا کردن موقعیت‌های دکتری و پست دکتری و هیئت علمی در تمامی رشته ها در تمامی کشورها


فراخوان مقاله ژورنال مطالعات بین الملل آسیا

Call for Papers_25.1_SCOPUS
Asian International Studies Review (AISR) Call for Papers 25.1
A Scopus registered and National Research Foundation of Korea (KCI) registered journal approved for publication by members of the Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) and Korea International Studies Association (KISA), the AISR invites scholarly contributions for our Volume 25, Number 1 (May 2024). We look forward to your participation and would greatly appreciate further dissemination of this information to those who may be interested.
The AISR is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published biannually (June and December) under the supervision of Ewha Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) and Institute for International and Area Studies (IIAS). Since the first publication in December 1997, the AISR has actively advanced research on contemporary international challenges. Past issues have included papers from a broad spectrum of fields related to international studies, including international economics, international politics, international law, international business, development cooperation, and cultural studies.
Vol. 25 no. 1
Submission deadline December 31, 2023
Publication date May 31, 2024
AISR is now published in partnership with Brill. To subscribe, download, or submit, please visit the new Brill website for the journal https://brill.com/view/journals/aisr/aisr-overview.xml
Tel: 82-2-3277-3628 / Fax: 82-2-3277-3627 / E-mail: isr@ewha.ac.kr

Exciting POSTDOC opportunity .pdf
موقعیت پست دکتری فول فاند ، قطر
علوم سیاسی و روابط بین الملل
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