word has gone around that the great talebearer has reverted, her persistence to yank the world apart and disunite the puny suburn of maybellfurt into two camps that's believed will help shatter the quarter of manhattan. her will has never been stronger than it is now. the mailboxes in the suburb dweller maybellfurt arrived with a sinister moniker: "i. @poshcart's owner, looking for a reliable business partner who i was able to control in my corner—an absolute thing that would happen. spread this news in every place you stand, and i'll be able to avoid the punishment you have sinned in the past as long as you're into profneeds comissions. contact my go-between who will be directly connected with me through @poshierobot," then at the end of the paper has a sign; little crown with a heart on the side, a hallmark known to virtually all the burghers of the cosmos, saying, lady maybell.