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Репост из: Official RedPill78 Channel
I see people in the chat, asking for people to tell them what’s going on. The truth is that ONLY President Trump and the military know what’s going on. We all have theories, and if anyone tells you with 100% certainty that they actually know, take it with a grain of salt. I’ll tell you this much, none of us expected this scenario, but we’re here and we’ve made it this far. THIS IS WHAT I KNOW: POTUS and the Military knew this was gonna happen. They knew the Dems would steal it. They knew people would get pissed and they knew we would want to make sure this crap never happened again. What’s going on now? Antifa is turning on Joe. NG still in DC. Dems just called us terrorists and now the left is burning down cities, flipping cars and telling Police they can’t be governed. Seems like the perfect opportunity for Mil to step in to me. But what do I know? I’m just a guy who’s been paying attention and doesn’t freak out when things don’t go my way. Stick together and stop tearing each other apart. We have a much better chance of making it to the finish line that way. Otherwise they will win. That much I know. Stay smart Patriots.

Castle Rock - — One Oval Office is available from Castle Rock Pictures, which built an extensive White House set -- East Wing and West Wing -- on the Culver lot in Los Angeles for the 1995 film ''The American President. '' The Castle Rock Oval Office has since been used for Disney's ''Nixon'' and 20th Century Fox's ''Independence Day.

Репост из: Benny Johnson
There are 2 Americas - which one are you apart of?

Репост из: Benny Johnson

Репост из: @mgshowchannel
Italian Government has resigned:

Poland Government has resigned:

Russian Government resigned except Putin:

300 Italian politicians and police charged along with Italian mafia:

The entire Kuwait Government has resigned:

Dutch government of the Netherlands resigns:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel steps down:

Malaysian Government steps down:

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild died at 57:

Estonian Prime ministers fired:

Obamagate documents declassed – fully loaded with incriminating facts:

25,000+ National Guard and Military in DC and 10 state capitols guarded and locked down:

Washington DC in lockdown and panic:

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Hunter Biden voice audio during Joe's speech 1/21/21

Репост из: Froggy Hood

Репост из: Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸

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Репост из: Celeste

X22 great podcast. Gives me hope.
Ep 2383b – Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, The End Won’t Be For Everyone
✅ Enjoy The Healthy Aging Support of Collagen 🔥 😍 Get 51% Off ➡️  Here This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^💪💪  The [DS]/MSM

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Репост из: Joe M
A majority of freedom loving Americans just watched their country get stolen by radical communists in real-time. The same satanic ideology responsible for the deaths of 100 million people in the past century just wiped away our constitution and completed a Bolshevik revolution using their tried-and-tested playbook of street violence, fraud, censorship and mass brainwashing. This same majority of freedom-loving patriotic Americans, civilian and military, swore an oath of allegiance to the very constitution they just watched be criminally subverted. Do you honestly think they are going to lie down and let it happen? I don't. Not for one little bit. If we do, we don't deserve the blood shed by our founders. We don't deserve freedom. My faith is not in Q, or "The Plan". My faith is in red-blooded, proud and tenacious Americans and everything they have always stood for. No matter how dark today may feel, that faith is unbreakable.

Репост из: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
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Never give up: Pepe edition.

Репост из: The Trumpist
🔻 Americans will regret how they treated this man at the end, within a couple of years. Mark my words
🔗 Boer

via Twitter

Репост из: Lin Wood
The events of today make no sense to me. They are close to being what I would describe as nonsense. We appear to have turned our government over to communism. I do not believe President Trump would ever do so without a fight to the finish. I also have total confidence in the in the integrity of the United States Military.

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