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Telegram Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Only original national-socialist art and posters by our digital artists.
Ordenspalais, Durowplatz 8/9

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Фильтр публикаций

"Jew Is To Blame", Adobe Photoshop

Today, I have decided to remake an old German poster, and add a bit of my perspective in it. First of all, I changed the language to make this message understandable to the national-socialist audience worldwide. Secondly, I've added a British flag on Jew's cylinder, which is closely related to the third fact behind this poster - I've published it today. Because today, on the 3rd of September, the Great Britain declared war on the Third Reich and turned what was meant to be the Fourth Partitioning of Poland into a World War. Jewish capitalists and lobbyists that sir Oswald Mosley warned British society about ears before this day, finally made their move. Remember this, and let post-war "historians" fool you no more about who was really behind the World War II...

Issued by @ziegler_art

"Reichsparteitag V", Adobe Photoshop

On the 30 of August, 1933, in the glorious city of Nuremberg, an NSDAP Party rally was held. It was devoted to the victory of our party, to the beginning of a new era for all Aryan people. And today, on the day of this "Victory Rally", I want you all to cheer up a bit. Just think about it - this victory was achieved in ten years after our Führer was arrested for attempting a coup, and that minor party he has been able to gather was at the brink of extinction. It took only ten years to go from undercover, marginalized group to the ruling party of Germany. Just think about what hard work and fanatic belief can do. So don't feel depressed today, but rejoice, for this day is an inspiration to all of us. We can change everything in ten years - but we have to work for it. Cheer up, work out, educate yourself, - and march towards our final Victory shoulder to shoulder with your comrades!

Issued by @ziegler_art

"Race Unites", Adobe Photoshop

Today I want to share with you all my thoughts on the very controversial matter for modern National-Socialism - attitude towards religion. Now, I know that there are lots of degenerate Christian priests lobbying homosexuality and feminism in the West - but in Eastern Europe, fierce Christian community is the only thing that stands on the way of degeneracy and moral corruption. Germanic Paganism is becoming very popular among our comrades - but no one can argue that NSDAP always publicly supported "Positive Christianity" back in the day. What I am trying to say is that we should never reject our brothers because of their faith. My message for both White Pagans and White Christians is to see in each other your common race first, and make the questions of religion secondary. Religions change, while our Race must endure.

Issued by @ziegler_art

"Inconspicuous", Adobe Photoshop

Just trying out something new today, my dear comrades. Once more, I try to glorify one of the most influential thinkers and philosophers of the XX century, who is usually left outside of our mythology - and yet, this inconspicuous man has made one of the greatest contributions to the National-Socialist thought, second only to the Fuhrer's. Now, this time I included something entirely new to the poster, something that will be ignored by the majority of the viewers. It'll take some time and effort to get it, but the eternal wisdom of National-Socialism awaits one who will. Go ahead, zieglerians, enjoy...

Issued by @ziegler_art

Репост из: EuropaWave
This one goes to one of the greatest artists I have ever seen in my life.Every piece of artwork he does leaves me out of words and gives me powerful emotions. Thank you for motivating us dear friend!

I am speechless, my dear zieglerians, and extremely honored. Being an inspiration to someone is really all I ever wanted my national-socialist art to be. I will keep up my work for each and every one of you, and hopefully we will be able to achieve even greater heights together!

Wherever I go, I see His face. The great Prophet of our race, the first one to rise up against the devilish forces parasiting on the face of Europe - he has become truly immortal. His Cause and his Idea will always be preserved in the hearts of the most devoted sons and daughters of our race, making him our Eternal Leader for generations to come.

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I wish you all merry upсoming Yule, fellow comrades. Share the precious moments of this ending year with your family and loved ones, do not forget to light up Julleuchter and praise our Gods, who give us strength to move forward in our great struggle against the modern world...

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Our Victory is impossible without rejecting degeneracy, corruption and perversion. Get rid of it. Smash it. Burn this parasite to ashes whenever you come across it...

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You rest in peace now, comrades of the bygone days. We'll carry the banner of our Cause from now on, marching on our streets like you did century ago - striking terror into the hearts of enemies, bringing us closer to the day of the Second Revolution with each step...

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To them, this elevator is doomed to go down. But we know for sure that this is the only way to ascend from the ashes our race has been cast into.

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