yudha @iPenyet
🕷. Sha : lu kelihatan keren banget yud, terus juga asik betul + yudha and seno were classmates in high school, they were both students who excelled at school, every day they went and came home bringing very cool bicycles, because their bicycles were different from ordinary bicycles, they also often had bicycle races with other schools, according to they were very suspicious. + https://open.spotify.com/track/61GiPHiUWi2f8mhN2AdBf0?si=HTtsLfHRRO-Rso4SSGanYw
🕷. Leo : ⬇️ + 9/10 simpel tapi kece + kill
🕷. Ka : yudha ini terbilang random anaknya, terus dia juga asik banget cuy, kalo jbjb sama dia bakal banyak topik(?), selain itu ch dia amat sangat cool karena pake theme windbreaker + cool, handsome, attractive + i ship you with shelly on windbreaker
🕷. Sha : lu kelihatan keren banget yud, terus juga asik betul + yudha and seno were classmates in high school, they were both students who excelled at school, every day they went and came home bringing very cool bicycles, because their bicycles were different from ordinary bicycles, they also often had bicycle races with other schools, according to they were very suspicious. + https://open.spotify.com/track/61GiPHiUWi2f8mhN2AdBf0?si=HTtsLfHRRO-Rso4SSGanYw
🕷. Leo : ⬇️ + 9/10 simpel tapi kece + kill
🕷. Ka : yudha ini terbilang random anaknya, terus dia juga asik banget cuy, kalo jbjb sama dia bakal banyak topik(?), selain itu ch dia amat sangat cool karena pake theme windbreaker + cool, handsome, attractive + i ship you with shelly on windbreaker