PTE Magazine Practices

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برنامه تمرين گروهي PTE Magazine
تحت نظر برترین مدرسین PTE
از تاریخ 1402/02/09
تا تاریخ 1402/02/15

How to add PTE Magazine practice calendar to your google calendar

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کاملترین و موثرترین تمرینات رو فقط در گروه آکادمیک PTE Magazine داشته باشین 💪
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♦️کانال اصلی: @PTEmagazine
♦️گروه اصلی: @PTEmag
♦️کانال پادکست: @PTEmagazine_podcast
♦️کانال تجربیات: @PTEmagazine_XP
♦️کانال ناتی‌مگزین: @NAATImagazine
♦️گروه ناتی‌مگزین: @NAATImag
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The lecture was discussing blue frogs. The lecturer provided information about poison dart frogs, which indicates that native people, capturing, and rolling are fundamental elements. Whereas unique aspects of shooting monkeys, being toxic, wearing armors as well as amphibians were delineated, he asserted that the significance of special glands and defensive compounds really could not be overestimated. He deduced biting from what elaborated on predators, colors, and poisonous nests.


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and the blue frogs are the poison dart frogs is one type of blue. There are many blue frogs actually, but one type is called the poison dart frog and the reason they’re called that is because the native people in the Amazon who set in South America used to capture these frogs and take little darts and roll them on the skin of the frog and they’d use that to shoot the monkeys out of the trees, and it’s because these frogs are incredibly toxic. They have neurotoxins on their skin, so they wear their armor basically on the outside of their skin. One of the things that makes frogs or amphibians different from other vertebrates is that they have special glands that produce defensive compounds, mostly toxins that if something tries to bite them they get the toxin in their mouths and then what happens to that predator is that their muscles stop working so they literally can’t bite and they stop breathing. So, some of them are really dangerous actually and most of the ones that are dangerous are out in the daytime, so they’re flaunting their colours they have very bright either reds or blues or oranges and they’re basically showing off their poisonous nests in a sense.


◼️◾️▪️ SST ▪️◾️◼️




📜📜📜RL Transcript📜📜📜

A lot of people in the United States are coffee drinkers. Over the last few years, a trend has been developing to introduce premium, specially blended coffees, known as "gourmet coffees" into the American market. Boston seems to have been the birthplace of this trend. In fact, major gourmet coffee merchants from other cities like Seattle and San Francisco came to Boston, where today they're engaged in a kind of "coffee war" with Boston's merchants. They are all competing for a significant share of the gourmet coffee market. Surprisingly, the competition among these leading gourmet coffee businesses will not hurt any of them. Experts predict that the gourmet coffee market in the United States is growing and will continue to grow, to the point that gourmet coffee will soon capture half of what is now a 1.5-million-dollar market and will be an 8-million-dollar market by 1999. Studies have shown that coffee drinkers who convert to gourmet coffee seldom go back to the regular brands found in supermarkets. As a result, these brands will be the real losers in the gourmet coffee competition.




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Репост из: PTE Magazine Channel
برنامه تمرين گروهي PTE Magazine
تحت نظر برترین مدرسین PTE
از تاریخ 1402/02/02
تا تاریخ 1402/02/08

How to add PTE Magazine practice calendar to your google calendar

📅 Calendar Link

کاملترین و موثرترین تمرینات رو فقط در گروه آکادمیک PTE Magazine داشته باشین 💪
پیش به سوی کارنامه های #فول_مگزینی 👊

♦️کانال اصلی: @PTEmagazine
♦️گروه اصلی: @PTEmag
♦️کانال پادکست: @PTEmagazine_podcast
♦️کانال تجربیات: @PTEmagazine_XP
♦️کانال ناتی‌مگزین: @NAATImagazine
♦️گروه ناتی‌مگزین: @NAATImag
♦️کانال پی‌تی‌ای کروزر: @PTE_Cruiser

💌Magazine Support Team 🤝
🎯Internationally renowned

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Whereas principles of high athletic performance attribute to using drugs and honey, the significance of a competitive edge would relate to not only blood sugar but also carbohydrate gel and protein supplements, so as not to undermine the implications of the negative impact, clinical trials, milder effects, and speeding muscle recovery, as well as workouts. (55 words)


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🔺🔻Summarize Written Text🔻🔺

In order to have a competitive edge, athletes often use drugs with high athletic performance.

The National Honey Board recently found that honey has the same functions but less negative impact. This clinical trial is the third in a series of studies focusing on the use of honey by athletes. The first study (involving 71 subjects) determined that honey has a milder effect on blood sugar than other popular forms of carbohydrate gel.

The second study in the series (with 39 weight trained subjects) investigated the combination of honey with a protein supplement and suggested that honey speeds muscle recovery after a workout.


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🔻🔺🔻 SST Sample 🔻🔺🔻

The lecture was discussing dislocating wars. The lecturer provided information about dislodging empathy and hope, which indicates that breaking social bonds, disbanding communities, and children’s body are fundamental elements. Whereas unique aspects of overwhelming emotions, deadly traumas as well as heart disease were delineated, he asserted that the significance of constant aches and nightmares really could not be overestimated. Finally, he deduced chronic stress from what elaborated on psychic pains. (70 words)


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War is dislocating. It gets inside your body and makes you into a thing, a corpse. It can dislodge empathy, hope and joy and replace them with fear. The fear that comes from living in the violence of war can break social bonds, disbanding the very communities we rely on for safety. Women and children, I work with complain about pain in their body. Children as young as three or four talk about hurt in their bellies and not because they're hungry. It's a pain I know well. A constant, dull ache all over your body, and it feels as though nothing can alleviate it. People have nightmares and experience overwhelming emotions: grief, sadness and anger. "Why did I deserve this," they wonder.
The stress and trauma experienced by people who go through war is itself deadly. Illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease have been linked to trauma and chronic stress. But it's the psychic pain that affects people the most.


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