⏩ Is it possible for Munkar and Nakeer to question more than one person simultaneously?
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Is it possible for Munkar and Nakeer to question more than one person simultaneously?
Our Shaykh, Muhammad ibn Hizaam -may Allaah preserve him- was asked the following question:
The question says: Concerning the questioning in the grave, (we know that the two angels) Munkar and Nakeer have been appointed to carry out this duty, but what if there’s several people buried at the same time, separate from one another, will Munkar and Nakeer be the only ones who will question them? And are Munkar and Nakeer individual angels or a group of angels?
Likewise, we believe what the prophet ﷺ informed us, that:
‘There will come to him (i.e. the deceased) two angels, known as Munkar and Nakeer’
What’s apparant from this report, is that they are two angels – not a group of angels.
And with that said, Allah has given them the ability to question people at different places simultaneously
We believe in that, and Allah is capable of all things.
Translated by:
Abu Zubayr Nurein Ibn Muhammed Ba Alawi
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Original Fatwa:
Also see : Is the Angel of Death one or multiple angels and how is it/they able to take multiple souls in diverse locations at the same time?
🌐 http://www.qandabenefits.com/3379/is-it-possible-for-munkar-and-nakeer-to-question-more-than-one-person-simultaneously
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⏩ Is it possible for Munkar and Nakeer to question more than one person simultaneously?
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
Is it possible for Munkar and Nakeer to question more than one person simultaneously?
Our Shaykh, Muhammad ibn Hizaam -may Allaah preserve him- was asked the following question:
The question says: Concerning the questioning in the grave, (we know that the two angels) Munkar and Nakeer have been appointed to carry out this duty, but what if there’s several people buried at the same time, separate from one another, will Munkar and Nakeer be the only ones who will question them? And are Munkar and Nakeer individual angels or a group of angels?
Likewise, we believe what the prophet ﷺ informed us, that:
‘There will come to him (i.e. the deceased) two angels, known as Munkar and Nakeer’
What’s apparant from this report, is that they are two angels – not a group of angels.
And with that said, Allah has given them the ability to question people at different places simultaneously
We believe in that, and Allah is capable of all things.
Translated by:
Abu Zubayr Nurein Ibn Muhammed Ba Alawi
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Original Fatwa:
Also see : Is the Angel of Death one or multiple angels and how is it/they able to take multiple souls in diverse locations at the same time?
🌐 http://www.qandabenefits.com/3379/is-it-possible-for-munkar-and-nakeer-to-question-more-than-one-person-simultaneously
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