No one was able to solve quiz 2 🙃
🔥 Difficulty: IQ 145+
~ Pattern explained:
- 9 is the base (level 0)
- 18 = 9+9 addition (level 1)
- 81 = 9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9 = 9x9
repeated addition/multiplication (level 2)
- 387420489 = 9×9×9×9×9×9×9×9×9 = 9^9
repeated multiplication/exponentiation (level 3)
- Final one would be...
9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9 = 9^^9
repeated exponentiation/tetration (level 4)
- And, if we want to go on...
9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9 = 9^^^9
repeated tetration/pentation (level 5)
2 is a particular case, you can try to apply the pattern and you'll see that it will be 2,4,4,4,4,4... with always 4 as output
Good luck for next time🍀
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🔥 Difficulty: IQ 145+
~ Pattern explained:
- 9 is the base (level 0)
- 18 = 9+9 addition (level 1)
- 81 = 9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9 = 9x9
repeated addition/multiplication (level 2)
- 387420489 = 9×9×9×9×9×9×9×9×9 = 9^9
repeated multiplication/exponentiation (level 3)
- Final one would be...
9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9^9 = 9^^9
repeated exponentiation/tetration (level 4)
- And, if we want to go on...
9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9^^9 = 9^^^9
repeated tetration/pentation (level 5)
2 is a particular case, you can try to apply the pattern and you'll see that it will be 2,4,4,4,4,4... with always 4 as output
Good luck for next time🍀
For an easier quiz, visit 👇