Dongs'n'Dragons: The yaoi stikes back
Ahoy reditors. Gotta use my alt here since "bad boi" loves monitoring my posts as he was a beholder. To be honest, I don’t see anything particularly horrible in this story, but several guys said that it makes their blood boil. So here i am, 22 year old girl from Russia - GM, university student, graphomaniac. Despite my love of giving players freedom, I always limit "nsfw" topics until my players do not openly express their desire to visit my Magical Realm. So basicly never. But every rule has an exception.
The cast here is not really important. 2 girls 2 guys to one of which I will refer to as "Bad Boi". You know the type. Bad boi was a 4 level Chaotic Neutral tiefling rogue. He was wearing a dark cloak with a large musketeer's hat. His hotnes could melt the hearts and icebergs. But thankfuly he had cooled himself in the dark corner of the taverns, wich he did most of his time. Don Juan for women of early puberty.
In one of the sessions, the party met a female dragonborn who was the daughter of a local blacksmith. From this moment, the behavior of tiefling has changed dramatically. At first, he gave her presents and invited her to gatherings in the park, which was pretty sweet. Sometimes he climbed into her window at night leaving roses ,witch was weird but okay to me. Everything was acceptable until he asked when her father would be far from home.
I was a complete fool not paying attention to this moment. Sometimes it's amazing how I even made it to my years without getting into a van with sweets and smiley clowns. Anyway she told bad boy something like:
Zera (Dragonborn's name): "Father will visit Zenax next night, but it is doubtful that he leaves his daughter alone."
Bad Boi: "Do not worry my lady, you will never be alone."
Moving on to next day. I was expecting a short dating scene. Bad boi bought some tea and came to her house through window (because regular doors are not romantic enogh) after her dad left the house. So he gets into her room ,a little bit of smaltalk, he asks her to bring something to eat ,she lefts the room and he pours sleeping potion into her cup. After this he describes how he entangles her with his ropes, puts her onto bad, and fucks her till the morning.
Everybody imidetly gulp their tongues. A moment of akward silence. I was so frustrated that i did not really controled mythelf anymore. Something awakend inside me, something ancient, and it was very very bad. Talking with a bastard and stoping the game because some horny boy wants to fuck up with my rules? Kick the bastard out and leave a bad taste? OH HELL NAH, he will not get out with it so easily! Bad boys must be punished!
So i copy an evil grin of his and ask him to describe how he gets out of his equipment and his clothes. So after bad boi unholsters his flesh dagger the door gots busted out revealing well-built blue male Dragonborn. What the bastard did not know that Zera's father asked his son to look after his house while he was out. He spotted an open window and immediately gets the point what is going on. The scene was speaking for itself. A naked red boi was standing near brother's entagled sister.
Bad Boi: "Who the fuck are you?" *tryes to grab the dagger behind him but fails*
Kai (Brother's name): "The one who are you fucking with ,tiefling. I gonna beat your ass so hard, that a new shade of red will appear on it"
The fight starts. Since it was the third floor jumping out of window was not an option. Bad Boi starts to run away from frustrated male by crawling on bookshelves and jumping from one table to another, until eventually, he ends up hanging on a chandelier. The party (exept that guy) started giggleling atm.
Unfortunately for him, 220 volts was enough to finally lower his ego from heaven to earth. The ground war starts, and after four rounds of gachimuchi bad boi is bound with his own ropes and pressed face-fist to the floor.
Bad Boi: "Listen dude i was not having anything with your sis, she welcomed me in the house by herself that means she agreed!"
His face looke
Ahoy reditors. Gotta use my alt here since "bad boi" loves monitoring my posts as he was a beholder. To be honest, I don’t see anything particularly horrible in this story, but several guys said that it makes their blood boil. So here i am, 22 year old girl from Russia - GM, university student, graphomaniac. Despite my love of giving players freedom, I always limit "nsfw" topics until my players do not openly express their desire to visit my Magical Realm. So basicly never. But every rule has an exception.
The cast here is not really important. 2 girls 2 guys to one of which I will refer to as "Bad Boi". You know the type. Bad boi was a 4 level Chaotic Neutral tiefling rogue. He was wearing a dark cloak with a large musketeer's hat. His hotnes could melt the hearts and icebergs. But thankfuly he had cooled himself in the dark corner of the taverns, wich he did most of his time. Don Juan for women of early puberty.
In one of the sessions, the party met a female dragonborn who was the daughter of a local blacksmith. From this moment, the behavior of tiefling has changed dramatically. At first, he gave her presents and invited her to gatherings in the park, which was pretty sweet. Sometimes he climbed into her window at night leaving roses ,witch was weird but okay to me. Everything was acceptable until he asked when her father would be far from home.
I was a complete fool not paying attention to this moment. Sometimes it's amazing how I even made it to my years without getting into a van with sweets and smiley clowns. Anyway she told bad boy something like:
Zera (Dragonborn's name): "Father will visit Zenax next night, but it is doubtful that he leaves his daughter alone."
Bad Boi: "Do not worry my lady, you will never be alone."
Moving on to next day. I was expecting a short dating scene. Bad boi bought some tea and came to her house through window (because regular doors are not romantic enogh) after her dad left the house. So he gets into her room ,a little bit of smaltalk, he asks her to bring something to eat ,she lefts the room and he pours sleeping potion into her cup. After this he describes how he entangles her with his ropes, puts her onto bad, and fucks her till the morning.
Everybody imidetly gulp their tongues. A moment of akward silence. I was so frustrated that i did not really controled mythelf anymore. Something awakend inside me, something ancient, and it was very very bad. Talking with a bastard and stoping the game because some horny boy wants to fuck up with my rules? Kick the bastard out and leave a bad taste? OH HELL NAH, he will not get out with it so easily! Bad boys must be punished!
So i copy an evil grin of his and ask him to describe how he gets out of his equipment and his clothes. So after bad boi unholsters his flesh dagger the door gots busted out revealing well-built blue male Dragonborn. What the bastard did not know that Zera's father asked his son to look after his house while he was out. He spotted an open window and immediately gets the point what is going on. The scene was speaking for itself. A naked red boi was standing near brother's entagled sister.
Bad Boi: "Who the fuck are you?" *tryes to grab the dagger behind him but fails*
Kai (Brother's name): "The one who are you fucking with ,tiefling. I gonna beat your ass so hard, that a new shade of red will appear on it"
The fight starts. Since it was the third floor jumping out of window was not an option. Bad Boi starts to run away from frustrated male by crawling on bookshelves and jumping from one table to another, until eventually, he ends up hanging on a chandelier. The party (exept that guy) started giggleling atm.
Unfortunately for him, 220 volts was enough to finally lower his ego from heaven to earth. The ground war starts, and after four rounds of gachimuchi bad boi is bound with his own ropes and pressed face-fist to the floor.
Bad Boi: "Listen dude i was not having anything with your sis, she welcomed me in the house by herself that means she agreed!"
His face looke