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AirDrop fully working on Intel Wi-Fi using latest Airportltlwm kext. More native than ever.

(Success) macOS Big Sur with deactivated dGPU using OpenCore

Catalina on Intel NUC10i5FNK thanks to ...

Big Sur, OpenCore, AMD Ryzen 5 2600, Gigabyte B450 I Aorus Pro WiFi, MSI Radeon RX 560

Apple Power Mac G4 Gaming PC - Not a Hackintosh at the moment (not yet anyway, I want to eventually try OpenCore), but Thought the r/Hackintosh community would enjoy this! Started this project back in 2016 and now it's finally finished! Build Specs and information in the comments.


Opencore error while trying to boot

Hello Hackintoshers, I'm on Dell Inspiron 5570 and using opencore, I'm having this error when trying to boot.
I followed the Opencore guide, don't know what I missed, also tried a few efis from github but still no luck.
here is the error image: https://imgur.com/a/1V3Jcri
Any help?


Trying to install Big Sur natively using Clover bootloader

Update from Clover to OpenCore on Catalina. And upgrade from Catalina to Big Sur

So I decided to upgrade to Big Sur, and Clover are not good to go with. So my steps was:

1. Update Clover and kext
2. Update macOS to latest Catalina
3. Create boot USB with OpenCore bootloader
4. Test that I'm able to run system from USB OC boot, and all hardware working as before
5. Change EFI to OC
6. Update to Big Sur

CPU: Intel Core i5-9600K Coffee Lake 6-Core 3.7 GHz

GPU: Sapphire 11265-05-20G Radeon PULSE RX 580 8GB

RAM: 2x G.SKILL Aegis 16GB 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2666

Motherboard: ASUS Prime Z390-P (Chipset Intel Z390)

Audio Codec: Realtek ALC887

Ethernet Card: Realtek RTL8111H

Wifi/BT Card: Broadcom BCM943602CS (**PCI-E**)

SSD: Crucial MX500 500GB

BIOS revision: 2808

In my build everything works well on Clover/Catalina, so I update Clover and kext and download Big Sur through AppStore. It's firs time I ever touch OC, but guide on their site is simply amazing, and I just follow every steps and carefully read every instruction.


By the guide I made USB Installer, just follow all instruction for Coffee Lake for config.plist, and pay attention to comments about Z390 chipset. I didn't add anything else, but whats on guide. For now I use debug version for kext and OC.

[EFI Folder](https://preview.redd.it/h9yq4r3h17z51.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbb73061c1d0c815b543e2a21ffa25522ab02d60)

I have more SSD with Windows and for backups, so I disconnect all and leave only macOS SSD. And try my boot usb, to run installed Catalina through OpenCore. And you need to see my happy face, when everything boot same as with Clover, its mean we good to go and replace Clover with OpenCore.(I was so happy, cuz when I make my Clover install first time, it took me 6 days to simply run macOS. But that time I was newbie)

So I replace EFI, reboot, check that everything works well. I decided to log out from all iServices and clean mess after Clover, there is guide for that. So later I will create new serial number for iCloud.

Next step, simply open Install macOS Big Sur from Applications, and click update. There will be some 3 or 4 reboot during the update.

And Big Sur hackintosh is ready!

[macOS Big Sur on Z390 \/ i5-9600K Coffee Lake](https://preview.redd.it/y0dmc00i27z51.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=185eee21b2db954b982b0a3946484178f760d87e)

Follow after install guide, create new serial, change debug OC and kexts to release versions, add GUI to OC. Only one think happened after install, is BIOS on every reboot posted in safe mode, so I add AppleRTC kernel patch and it fixed the issue.

No magic for Wi-FI/BT: airdrop, copy/paste from iPhone works from the box. I use Aliexpress WI-FI card, but expensive one for 60$.

Huge Thanks and respect for OpenCore team! They did really huge and impressive work.

Sorry for my English, hope it all have sense.


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Updating to BigSur: SIGKILL by diskarbitrationd[55]


im getting this error and why does it say mac os version not yet set......................thanks

OpenCore upgrade from Clover: Can I boot from USB

I plan on upgrading from Clover to OpenCore.

I have seen the guide on how to do it

Question: instead of updating my EFI, can I setup OpenCore on a USB stick and get that all working, and then copy it over to the internal HDD when i’m happy it’s good?

Or is a USB boot only good for booting the installer and not the OS on my internal drive?

The reasons being I’d like to be able to boot from my working/stable Clover if I screw up the OpenCore update or it takes longer than expected and I need to use the machine, etc.


HEVC is not working on bigSur but working on Catalina

Hi i have intel hd 620 HEVC was working on catalina but not working on big sur



Successful Upgrade from Catalina to Big Sur [OpenCore 0.6.3 - Asus UX330UA Laptop]

Successful update to Big Sur from Catalina on an Asus Zenbook!

Most Painless Apple upgrade Ever. Big Sur w/ OpenCore

Successfully Upgraded from Catalina to Big Sur this morning after a fresh install.

Asus Z270 Prime-A

i7 7700K


RX 5500 XT

Open Core

Everything is working fine, incl. Handoff/Continuity.



How can I fix the boot up info? I can bott Big Sur after upgrading Open Core to 0.63. Everything works fine, including the sleeping mode. But I want to get rid of the error message. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.


Gigabyte Aorus Z370 Ultra Gaming Wifi - Catalina / Opencore 0.63

Just finished this build this evening, Its my first OpenCore build (I have done a couple of Clover Builds before). Once I got my head round creating the OpenCore config.plist file it was straight forward.

The system boots up nice and quick and seems stable and very snappy.

As far as I can see at the moment pretty much everything is working (USB ports, iMessage, iCloud, App Store, Sound, Sleep)



Gigabyte Aorus gaming Ultra Wifi (with the wifi module removed)

Intel i7-9700

16GB Ram

Sapphire RX580 Nitro+ 8GB

Samsung 970EVO NVME SSD 500GB (Boot Drive)

WD Black SN750 NVME SSD 500GB

PCI-E USB-C Expansion Card [USB-C Expansion Card @ Amazon](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0773LPCXW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

**Kexts Used:**









**Guide Used** [Dortania OpenCore Guide](https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/ktext.html)

For Bluetooth I'm using a USB adapter, I've also tried a USB wifi that seems to work as well, but it will spend most of its life on an ethernet cable.

And I finished it off using the apple migration assistant to pull in files, app's and settings from a TimeMachine back-up


No visual progress of BigSur update

I had a stable Catalina build,
Then I saw all the success posts who were able to update just using the regular macbook like update, and I did the same (with updated oc and all the kexts to latest version) .
After one restart I select 'macos installer', I enter my password and haven't seen any progress past this screen


Shall I wait and see or did I mess up something...

Any help is appreciated thank you.


Does APecid/full security enclave necessary?

I am no expert on security matters but are there benefits to changing from medium security to full security? I am currently using securebootmodel: default after upgrading to BigSur. Opencore only suggests default is "enough" but then I read about full security in the configuration page.

Are there any downsides to it? Boot time? Kext conflic? OS Update intervene? Dualbooting with windows?



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