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Information about moving in with a partner

Hi, first time poster here so feedback is always welcome. I have a bit of a complicated situation.

So I am currently moving in with my partner and they accidentally disclosed we were partners to their worker (albeit not long-term yet). We are both on ODSP. Their worker told them that our benefits will be cut because of this and that my worker needed to be informed. Because of covid, we cannot apply as a couple yet, although I am unsure if we classify as a couple under ODSP. We are also not sure if the cut means for next month onward or money off our cheque to be paid back in the future. From all that I read, we need to be either married or in a marriage-like relationship to be classified as a couple. Does anyone know if this applies to just two people who are dating? (Additionally but potentially irrelevant -- we are dating but also agreed if we broke up we could be roommates. Would that change anything?).

Also, from what I understand, the max money as a couple we can get is $1971. My partner does not, but I work. Would we still be getting $100 for work related expenses and does the $200 free before 50 cents on the dollar still apply. (Sorry for more additions but if possible I would like to know that if my partner got a job too, would we get $200 for work related expenses and/or $400 free before 50 cents on the dollar?? Also also our reviews are at different times. As a couple do we get the same review or would it not be that simple???) I apologize for so many questions all at once. Thank you for your time and answers.

Edit: One more question, ugh I know: I require a special diet which is additional money onto my monthly cheque. Does this go away as a couple?


Paying back Income Tax

So what happens of you owe a large amount of money to the CRA and you have a family member pay it off?? How does that work?? How do you explain that to your worker. Essentially it would be a loan that would have to be paid back. Any takers on this one???


Help with understanding rates?

I'm very, very bad at math.
I'm very bad at understanding the tables that are provided by MCSS to calculate what a person should be receiving.
Can someone help me understand what I should be receiving for:
Two adults (not double disabled rate)
One adult dependant
Two minor dependants.

Just a straight rate, without any other income considered.



Hey just wondering if anyone else's deposit is late? usually get it around 4am. Have not received it yet and i need to pay rent today. Also called my worker left a message. Its Their rbc right pay card if that helps.


ODSP and holding a job

I'm currently on OW and waiting for my ODSP application to be processed.

1. Once my ODSP is approved, I will be kicked off the OW right?
2. Can I still hold a job while on ODSP and if so how much am I allowed to earn before having benefits clawed back?



Odsp is a joke.

From my experience with it, it may vary from place to place, but again this is my experience.

I have had to deal with the same pair of glasses for over 12 years, when i tried bringing up new glasses with my odsp worker, they said they'd only supply a maximum of $110.

My prescription lenses,with frames come to around $850, basically, can't get new glasses. For anyone that wears Glasses, I'm sure you know you're supposed to get new ones every 3-5 years.

I tried asking about companion assistance, you know, for extra help for a dog or cat, was told they have never and will never do this.

Asked about assistance for new clothing while looking for work, to look more professional, was straight up denied.

Asked for assistance to acquire internet access, or phone, guess what? Was told no.

Asked about more affordable housing, was told I DON'T QUALIFY FOR IT.

I get, per year, $12,000 exactly.

I quite literally cannot afford to even get a job, or even try to have a relationship.

How do these people expect anyone to get off of odsp or move forward? Simple answer, they don't.


Need guidance for ODSP application

Hey there , going to try to keep the short and not go on one of my usual endless rambles.

Long story short I'm 25 years old and just got my ODSP application papers , I know with almost absolute certainty I won't have trouble being accepted except for the fact I have not had a doctor in years.

I've spent alot of my life in group homes, psychiatric facilities and mostly homeless due to my ineptitude in society (or so I'm told, meh) I should have done this 6 years ago as it would saved me years on the street.

ANYWAYS my question is if I have no doctor anymore how can i apply for odsp? I don't think I have enough time to find a doctor as it this rate I will surely be on the street again soon. Does anyone have any recommendations ? I fear if I don't do this soon I may not be around to do it later based on how my life has been so far

Edit : I'm not suicidal I am just far too acquainted with the realities of homelessness and mental illness



Hi Im in need of crutches for mobility my caseworker has said odsp covers them but she didn't tell me if I need a prescription, to buy from a certain place, how much is covered, ect. If anyone could answer my questions it would be greatly appreciated. My caseworker is out of the office and I called i. The early afternoon and it was closed for the day.


New Doctor

Hello all. I am in desperate need of a new psychiatrist. My old one left me without a referral. I've gone through my current doctor to find one and no luck yet. Can anyone help me?

I'm in Windsor, Ontario.


is july GST upped too?

I was just wondering if july GST was upped like the last one that was released or not? I dont know if it was us folks on odsp or across the board?


This was an interesting read. (OW vs. ODSP)


Decreasing the rates gap between the two programs may ease the inadequacies of each.


Coverage for Physiotherapy

From what I understand, OHIP will provide physiotherapy coverage for anyone receiving ODSP as long as one of these conditions are met:

1) You’re recovering from a recent illness, injury, or surgery
2) You’re dealing with a flare-up or decline in function due to a chronic condition

You also need a doctor or advanced practice provider to provide a referral, and to go to one of the clinics that receives funding from the Community Physiotherapy Clinic Program.

I’m just wondering if anyone has had physiotherapy covered by OHIP while being on ODSP. I’m largely looking for others who have been in my position and their experiences. In addition, if you happen to live in London and have any preference or referral to a specific clinic, it would much appreciated.

I hope you’re all hanging in there okay. I know that things are really tough right now and I feel it too. I also know that to get through the daily challenges of being a human on top of the constant financial stress is enough to break even the best of us... but I also know that everyone here is resilient and resourceful and I’m incredibly thankful to have found this community.

Thanks for listening (reading). Once I get going it can be a bit difficult shutting me up. 🙂


Anyone still talking about ODSP or have we been forgotten?

Just wondering if anyone has seen people in the media or government still talking about making ODSP better or if they have moved on. I haven't heard much since that start of june but maybe others have.


Petition for a top up to a livable income from the federal government!

Hey everyone! I'm an ODSP recipient who has been advocating for our rights, along with the rights of all Canadians with disabilities. Through the advocacy group that I've co-founded called The Voices of Disability in Canada, we've created a petition demanding that the federal government step up where all provincial and territorial governments have failed. I'm hoping everyone could sign and share as widely as possible. [Petition by The Voices of Disability in Canada ](https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/provide-a-liveable-income-for-canadians-with-disabilities?source=facebook-share-button&time=1593027535&utm_source=facebook&share=b35630af-6455-411b-b9d0-195b399ad714)


Work Related Benefit

Is there a minimum amount you have to earn before receiving the 100$ work related benefit. Could you earn, let's say, 20$ in the month and still be eligible?


Can you have a credit card on ODSP?

Has anybody ever asked their worker, and do you need permission as to specific non-essential purchases?


advice for making money?

I am on odsp and have been for 10 years, felt i was well enough to go to school and just got by by the skin of my teeth... now i owe like 8800? and my case worker has told me i only qualify for the additional 100 a month for working if i have done the work for over a year. So like doing odd jobs for family doesnt count which sucks... and 100 dollars is just peanuts compared to what i owe.

I can basicly pay rent and buy food and afford to put down 200 a month on my 5000 dollar credit line and have it payed off in a little over 2 years... but i am pretty dam sure i cant buy just rent and food for 2 years and then have to pay off the OSAP min payments at the same time, then bein paying it off at 200 a month after the 2 years of down paying the credit line.

I applied for a RDSP before this covid stuff started and all i know is they sent me notice in the mail that they needed more information from my health care professional.

I got a bee colony from borrowing 200 dollars from family members but thats just seasonal selling honey in the spring (assuming they all survive the winter) so any advice at all would be helpful.

I am not crowd funding i actually want to do the work myself.


Volunteer work out of province?

Quebec has asked if I could come support the Canadian Red Cross in Quebec. It is a volunteer job but comes with all expenses paid and a small stipend. Is this likely to affect my ODSP besides the income?


Does ODSP care if you get a credit card

Does ODSP care if you get a credit card

I read some where in the directive it said they need to know if you get a credit card.

Do they actually care like it's debt you are carrying it's a forever bill as long as you use the card.


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