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It was Pam's lifelong dream to have a jawline like her crush Brad Pitt. Now her dream can come true with the new Jaw Strengthener™!

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Sharon felt that her sex life had lost its electricity, but then she got a bright idea...

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Greg was not called back to play 'athletic businessman' ever again.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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After running out of supressants, Terry was forced to drink nasty tap water by his evil left arm.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Karen's doctor quickly refused to see her child any longer. He instead suggested calling a priest and praying for a quick exorcism.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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The photosensitive effects of self-loathing and tourettes.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Karen barely managed to escape the giant's mouth before being eaten

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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After watching the latest State of the Union, Nick knew it was time to buy Tac Glasses so he could watch the the first Nuclear Bomb drop and the end of the world in full HD. ...

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Aware of his addiction to excessive pillow fondling, Vanessa still promised to love David for better or worse.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Shauna's ex-boyfriend forgot to change his lock. Duke knew what to do.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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You've heard of ApplePay. Now, here comes TomatoPay!

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Are you tired of trying to keep it together? Well now you can have that "I'm one bad day away from losing it" look in just minutes!

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Don't be fooled by pricey diets trying to keep yourself regular and don't get trapped using risky laxatives. Just use a pencil! You can safely take a #2 with your trusty #2. ...

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Giving her the whole blanket won't save you from drunkenly saying that her sister is hotter than her

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Jeff's constant farting under the blankets was getting too much to handle for Mary. Until she lost her sense of smell. No more arguements.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Jim's clever towel idea meant he could finally satisfy his golf fetish without the fear of indecent exposure charges.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Susan was on her first date after the divorce. She unfortunately didn't understand her friend's advice to 'shake her goods' to impress her date.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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Frank was a career criminal looking for an easy target. It wasn't until he felt the wind on his head that he was reminded of his sudden hair loss.

by @r_wheredidthesodago

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