lore speculation: what kind of giant magic laser will we use to defeat zovaal?
as you remember, sargeras was defeated by a giant arcane titan laser, and n'zoth was defeated by a giant azerite laser.
in this new age of wow where our villains are defeated by giant lasers at the last second before they complete their goal, i think we should direct our speculation into what kind of laser will be used to stop zovaal 30 seconds after he says "enough" and 5 seconds before he presses the button to remake reality.
there are two main candidates imo: a giant anima laser, or some kind of yet unrevealed "first ones" laser.
the giant anima laser would likely include the anima of all 4 covenants. however, i believe despite this, the anima laser would look like default blue/white anima for clarity reasons. in this case, it's likely the primus will first say "now zovaal, you face the might of the four covenants combined... not even you can escape their power" to clarify to the audience that this laser includes all 4 covenants anima.
or, we may discover the technology for a first ones laser in 9.2. as you'll remember, we conveniently discovered in the final patch of bfa that the mogu had the schematics for an old god destroying azerite laser just lying around. it's very plausible we could find a similar convenient schematic somewhere in zereth mortis. i believe this laser would be a cool looking golden fractal laser, and the primus will say "now zovaal, you face the might of the first ones... not even you can escape their power" as zovaal is undone by the first ones.
either way, when struck by the laser, i believe zovaal will struggle in a close-up cinematic. he will likely say "impossible..." or "this cannot be... death cannot be chained..." and then the light from the laser will turn the scene white. after which it will fade away to reveal he has been destroyed. bolvar will be looking at his remains.
anyway that's my lore speculation on the laser we'll see at the end of 9.2. but what are your theories on the inevitable magic laser? could we even see some kind of chain-laser as zovaal's domination magic is used against him for cinematic effect? the possibilities are endless.
as you remember, sargeras was defeated by a giant arcane titan laser, and n'zoth was defeated by a giant azerite laser.
in this new age of wow where our villains are defeated by giant lasers at the last second before they complete their goal, i think we should direct our speculation into what kind of laser will be used to stop zovaal 30 seconds after he says "enough" and 5 seconds before he presses the button to remake reality.
there are two main candidates imo: a giant anima laser, or some kind of yet unrevealed "first ones" laser.
the giant anima laser would likely include the anima of all 4 covenants. however, i believe despite this, the anima laser would look like default blue/white anima for clarity reasons. in this case, it's likely the primus will first say "now zovaal, you face the might of the four covenants combined... not even you can escape their power" to clarify to the audience that this laser includes all 4 covenants anima.
or, we may discover the technology for a first ones laser in 9.2. as you'll remember, we conveniently discovered in the final patch of bfa that the mogu had the schematics for an old god destroying azerite laser just lying around. it's very plausible we could find a similar convenient schematic somewhere in zereth mortis. i believe this laser would be a cool looking golden fractal laser, and the primus will say "now zovaal, you face the might of the first ones... not even you can escape their power" as zovaal is undone by the first ones.
either way, when struck by the laser, i believe zovaal will struggle in a close-up cinematic. he will likely say "impossible..." or "this cannot be... death cannot be chained..." and then the light from the laser will turn the scene white. after which it will fade away to reveal he has been destroyed. bolvar will be looking at his remains.
anyway that's my lore speculation on the laser we'll see at the end of 9.2. but what are your theories on the inevitable magic laser? could we even see some kind of chain-laser as zovaal's domination magic is used against him for cinematic effect? the possibilities are endless.