I won flutter app of the year, this's for the glory and honor of God! 🥳
Thank you so much everyone that stepped up and voted for my app. You guys are the absolute best and the most supportive community there is. We pretty much won the moment the program was announce so thank you so much. Genuinely mean it! 🙏
This isn't just a win for me but for everyone that supported my project, for everyone who voted, for the flutter community here and most importantly for the devs and designers who contributed to the project you guys are equal winners. If you're a contributor feel free to say your work has won flutter app of the year as well. I will back you up. ❤️
I would like to thank
@ragoose_dumps who pushed me to submit my app and compete, who's been a huge supporter of me as well. Thank you my dude you're so wholesome and amazing. This's your win as well Dave! 😊
My twitter is blowing up with followers and wholesome comments from people I admire. I'm just super happy about it and so grateful of the good things God is doing in my life. This's for Him, every win of mine is a win for my Lord. I'm super grateful of everything! 🌷
#FlutterOfTheYear #ScholarXIV