Ramana Maharshi | रमण महर्षि | ரமண மகரிஷி

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Ramana Maharshi is a Jivanmukta. This channel propagates His deep & profound teachings of Self-Enquiry & Self-Surrender, as a direct path to Self-Realization.
Owner: @DivineMystic
Chat Group: @ramana_maharishi
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@HinduismAsItIs

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☀️What is bhakti? To think of God. That means: only one thought prevails to the exclusion of all other thoughts. That thought is of God which is the Self or it is the Self surrendered unto God. When He has taken you up nothing will assail you. The absence of thoughts is bhakti. It is also mukti.

~Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talk 650

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

Which was the first text, that inspired devotion and renunciation in Maharshi during his youth?
  •   The Upanishads
  •   Brahma Sutra
  •   Bhagavad Gita
  •   Shiva Mahapurana
  •   Periya Puranam
15 голосов

🌿 While God sustains the burden of the world, the spurious ego assumes its burden, grimacing like an image on a tower, seeming to support it.

If the traveller in a carriage, which can carry any weight, does not lay his luggage down but carries it painfully on his head, whose is the fault?

~Forty Verses on Reality, Supplement, 17

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

According to Maharshi, how do our actions [karmas] bear fruit [karmafala]?
  •   By the will of God
  •   By our own thoughts
  •   By power of karma
  •   By pure awareness
  •   By illusion of maya
212 голосов

One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and also require a Higher Power to help you; or investigate into the cause of misery, go into the source and merge into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery. God never forsakes one who has surrendered.

~Ramana Maharshi

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

Select the accurate option to complete Maharshi's statement below - "Mind control is not one's birthright. The successful few owe their success to ____"
  •   ...their destiny
  •   ...their consciousness
  •   ...their guru's grace
  •   ...their perseverance
234 голосов

☀️There are not two minds, one good and the other evil. It is only the vasanas or tendencies of the mind that are of two kinds, good and favourable, evil and unfavourable. When the mind is associated with the former it is called good; and when associated with the latter it is called evil.

☀️However evil-minded other people may appear to you, it is not proper to hate or depise them. Likes and dislikes, love and hatred are equally to be relinquished.

☀️It is also not proper to let the mind often rest on objects or affairs of mundane life. As far as possible one should not interfere in the affairs of others.

☀️Everything offered to others is really an offering to oneself, and if only this truth were realized, who is there that would refuse anything to others?

~Ramana Maharshi
Pearls of Wisdom

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

Who originally gave the name "Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi" to Sri Ramana?
  •   Sri Muruganar
  •   Seshadri Swami
  •   Ganapati Muni
  •   Annamalai Swami
338 голосов

Namaste! Shall we start posting quiz questions on the teachings and life of Sri Ramana Maharshi, in this channel?
  •   Yes, that'd be really helpful!
  •   No, just stick to normal posts.
192 голосов

Question: I am not learned in the scriptures and I find the method of Self-enquiry too hard for me. I am a woman with seven children and a lot of household cares, and it leaves me little time for meditation. I request Bhagavan to give me some simpler and easier method.

Bhagavan: No learning or knowledge of scriptures is necessary to know the Self, as no man requires a mirror to see [know] himself. All knowledge is required only to be given up eventually as not-Self. Nor is household work or cares with children necessarily an obstacle. If you can do nothing more, at least continue saying ‘I, I’ to yourself mentally all the time, as advised in "Who am I?", whatever work you may be doing and whether you are sitting, standing or walking. ‘I’ is the name of God. It is the first and greatest of all mantras.

~Excerpt From: Day By Day with Bhagavan, 28-6-1946

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

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🌿Sri Ramana Maharshi wrote, "To make the intellect rid of the sense ‘I am the body’ and to introspect by fixing it securely in the Heart, and so perceive the true light of the Self, the one ‘I-I’, which is the absolute - this is the significance of witnessing the beacon light of Arunachala, the centre of the earth."

🌿When Sri Muruganar asked Bhagavan Sri Ramana about the significance of the Karthigai Deepam festival, Sri Bhagavan composed a stanza of four lines in which He says, “The true significance of the Karthigai Deepam festival is to turn the intellect inwards and have it fixed in the Heart [Self], thereby merging it with the indweller of the Heart [Self]."

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️


As for happiness, it is one's essential nature. All suffering and misery pertain only to the body. If you do not identify yourself with the body, then the problem is not there. Remember that the next breath may be your last and so, focus all your energies on self-inquiry.

Unless your spiritual practices are constant and steady, the tendency for action or inaction will gain the upper hand. You should, by effort counter these tendencies and try to remain in a state of equilibrium. In such a state, there is only peace and perfect contentment. As the spells of equilibrium increase through constant meditation, then, happiness is felt more and more.

~ N.N.Rajan, ‘More Talks With Ramana Maharshi’, p. 103

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

At lunch a visitor from Nellore asked the Master for a tiny bit of food [prasad] from His dish.

Maharshi: Eat without thinking of the ego. Then what you eat becomes Bhagavan’s prasad.

After lunch the Master continued humorously: “If I had given you one morsel from my plate, each one would ask for a morsel too. What will be left for me if I distribute the whole plate to others? So you see that it is not devotion. There is no significance in eating a morsel from my plate. Be a true devotee.”

~Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talk 228

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

☀️Discriminating and knowing well that all the sufferings that come by prarabdha [destiny] in his life are sent to him by God’s Grace in order to make his mind stronger and thereby save [liberate] him, let an aspirant bear with them patiently as tapas without being alarmed even in the least.

~Ramana Maharshi
>Guru Vachaka Kovai, 618

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

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