Random Redpills Compilation

Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
Категория: Политика

Гео и язык канала
не указан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Old Random Anon Channel
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
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"Our leaders are lowlife scum that screw little girls so the Jews can screw America"

Репост из: Old Random Anon Channel
If you are somehow new to the "Redpill", you have a general idea of what is going on, you know the narratives, but you are still struggling with the big picture and you are unable to put it together, then this documentary is what you need:


Репост из: Old Random Anon Channel
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
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Major Redpill on how (((The Rothschilds))) own the global banking system, if you haven't seen this.. now is the time.

By the way, the Rothschilds are Jews, just in case.

The American Dream - Understanding Money and the Banking System


Репост из: Old Random Anon Channel
Read the Pinned message NOW.

You want to really hurt the Jews? Then spread Redpills, show other people the truth about Jews, there is nothing that hurt Jews the most than spreading the truth about them and their plans, spreading Redpills is the only way real changes on society will happen in the long term, not shooting random people as Jewish infiltrators want you to think.
Thought drives action and in order to have real changes there should be wide spread knowledge of what is really happening.
Play the long game because that’s the game Jews are playing.

Most of the channels on this list are banned for iOS users, none of this channels is advocating for violence, this is pure Jewish censorship, maybe you should take a look to see what (((they))) are trying to hide from you?

Luckily the Main Channel has a Mirror so iOS users can still access it: t.me/randomanonch1

The description of the banned channels is not available for anyone (not even on Android or Desktop), you can find the channel descriptions and more info on the following link:

This is the Updated List, Choose Your Topic, Get Redpilled.
0) t.me/randomanonch (Banned)
1) t.me/noob_redpills (Banned)
2) t.me/war_and_media (Banned)
3) t.me/white_genocide (Banned)
4) t.me/ritual_murder (Banned)
5) t.me/gay_trans_agenda
6) t.me/redpilled_quotes (Banned)
7) t.me/based_screencaps (Banned)
8) t.me/shill_tactics (Banned)
9) t.me/judenpresse_archive (Banned)
10) t.me/holohoax_memes (Banned)
11) t.me/race_realism
12) t.me/assembly_woman
13) t.me/o9a_satanists_exposed
14) t.me/jews_did_911
15) t.me/sig_archive
16) t.me/no_fap_forever
17) t.me/randomredpills
18) t.me/randommeetingpoint

This is the associated group of the network:

Chat anonymously with the admins:

Репост из: Old Random Anon Channel
We have been restricted on iOS.
We have you covered, I saw that coming ages ago,we have a mirror that has been up for some time now, share to your friends.

Репост из: Old Random Anon Channel
You have ideas that can help to improve the main or affiliated channels? Complain about the Spam or the content? Want to know what the channel is really about? You came from other platform and want to make alliances? You want your meme or your redpill to be posted? Text us here, we are open to your comments and suggestions!

Репост из: Old Random Anon Channel

Репост из: Tales of a Libertarian
What was he talking about?

Репост из: The Dinner Club: Cold Platters

Репост из: The Dinner Club: Cold Platters
If your city or town isn't full of total foreigners who don't even bother to speak your language, then the international hedonists will find it boring and lacking soul. You wouldn't want that, would you, goy?

Репост из: The Dinner Club: Cold Platters
Goyim, it's time to stand up and stop illegal online speech, with the help of our benevolent supranational banking yoke, the EU.

Репост из: The Dinner Club: Cold Platters
Yaaaaasss guuurls

Репост из: CUCKISTAN

Репост из: Racism Inc.

Репост из: ⚒️Pierre Biret?️

Репост из: 4Chan - /POL/HIS/INT/

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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