Shit Talking Goddess Of Cringe

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Категория: не указана

Local absolutely madwoman (self-claimed goddess of cringe) Olechka draws fruity and fishy things and swears a lot!

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Репост из: Подвал с китайцами
У нас с Lao Rao был коллаб на чудесного лиса из Ню Карнавала!

[Осторожно 18+]

Лайн: Lao Rao
Покрас: Dary Redblossom

Random Sonic-like char design from neurographics.

The Yiling Patriarch is my favorite form of Wei Ying.

Well, I guess?

Репост из: Ибис-уголок
Ночной поцелуй всем, кто не спит 💋

Киньте жалобу моральным уродам.

Репост из: Подвал с китайцами
Давайте знакомиться 😉
Я художница (даже звёздочка есть) и, пожалуй, на всё моё творчество стоит смотреть именно под этой оптикой.

" Вообще-то мой никнейм Dary Redblossom, и я разрешаю называть меня Дарьей, но Майя зовёт меня Блоссом"

Обитаю на просторах твиттера, пытаюсь оживить тамблер и обожаю ArtStreet и Pixiv 💞

С инстаграммом у меня традиционно не складывается, но недавно я стала загружать туда рилсы, для тех, кто не имеет доступа к @d.redblossom' rel='nofollow'>ТикТоку - наверное, ценно.

Стримы бывают на пикарто и на твиче

Поддержать умирающего студента: 5536 9138 1835 0445

Информация по арт-комишкам 🥰

How funny! The last post expresses my desire to forbid people to feel things I forbade myself. 🥰 Well, it's nothing new. So praise me for not wishing them death! 🤡 It took me a REALLY long way. 🥰🥰🥰

Today I’m paying attention for one useless source of misery of my life. Because of my bringing up, I hate persons with one character trait. I don’t want to prove myself innocent, because I’m taking responsibility to correct such bug in myself, but for now I can only howl because of irritation, frustration and anger because of sick habitual patterns they use. The easiest way for me not to suffer because of it is just turn the empathy down and ignore those people’s shit. I can do nothing about it so worrying is counterproductive and useless. Well then, I’d rather sleep well and fix my own mistakes. Take care, guys!

I want to quote Corey Tailor to describe my mood:

Fuck me, I'm all out of enemies!
Fuck me, I'm all out of enemies!

— from “Spit It Out”

Insane, am I the only motherfucker with a brain?
I'm hearing voices but all they do is complain
How many times have you wanted to kill?
Everything and everyone, say you'll do it but never will

— from “Eyeless”

This night I feel strong connection to it.

Something tasty!

I have to admit my students inspire me a lot. 🥰

Another piece of screw.

Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, fart, turd and twat.

I also have a problem: drawing in different styles and making copies for explanation for my students. It is something nice, but not satisfying my ambitions. But anyway, would you like to see it?

I want to draw myself like this more!

I’m always forgetting to remind you about fresh pages.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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