city of blinding lights

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана


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Фильтр публикаций

hello peeps! We're ROUGH SKETCH seeking for new pals to come in our circle. no specific criteria, just make sure ur not a clone, clown or two faced. 🚹🚺 and all liners are allowed, just bang 📩 if ur interested.

Репост из: DRIFTERS
yo fellas, we're drifters looking for 🚹🚺 to join with us. all liners are welcomed and twins are allowed. kindly hit 🚻 if you're interested, see ya!

Репост из: ail

Репост из: stains ruby
we are Stains Ruby. looking for all 🚺 out there to joining our groups. twins and all liners are allowed, but no space for spy clone and any bad intentions. kindly hit 📓 if u interested

why can’t i stop feeling this way?

no one else gonna get it like that

Репост из: all till 2000
sucker for your

Репост из: far off
I guess good for you

when we get old, will we regret this?
too young to think about all that shit

don’t hit my cell, there’s an unknöwn number on my 📞

words don't tempt us, tryin' to BRËAK-US

i expect to run the world
in shoes i cannot walk in 👠

the revolution's coming
in her kiss, i taste the revolution

Репост из: shes just a phase
i'll drive, and u just lay back🚨

#feelin’ that you givin’ really drives me crazy 🍻

keliru ataukah bukan, tak tahu 🤷🏻‍♀️

Показано 18 последних публикаций.


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