RavindraBabu Ravula Official ✔️

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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GATE Classes by Ravindrababu Ravula

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
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Hey Everyone ❤️

One day before exam, what to do?

Wake-up. Relax and prepare yourself for the next day.

Have a good breakfast.

Watch a good movie like do whatever that makes you happy.

Have your lunch. Don't eat something heavy because that might affect your digestive system for a day or two.

Make a playlist filled with songs that boosts you up. Listen to them on your way to the centre.it really relax you mentally

If you feel like you want to study then just go through your formulae copy once. Revise those tricks, short notes and mistakes you committed during your preparations.

Don't appear for any test one day before GATE. Because if by any means you score less in that test you are mentally going to be a hell lot down.

Try to sleep on time. A lot of things might go through your mind that day and that won't allow you to sleep. So try to avoid such thoughts.

Be positive.

Have a good 8–9 hours of sleep so that you can appear for exam with a fresh mind.

Please talk to your self , since your major blockage to your success is your fear of failure. Only you can eliminate it , since it is not real! Your fear is your own creation ! Talk to it. Make it leave ! So that you can live !

All the best.💪
RavindraBabu Ravula👍

Practice Problems of C++ with full explanation. ✅🖋️


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