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some people i know are mad at me sometimes, saying that i don't care for them enough. But the problem is, they don't tell me what their problems are, they seem to want me to guess what is going on inside of them and care for that, but it is not the way humanity works. If you can't even talk about your problems with your own words, how would you expect others to help with that? Just don't tell them to random strangers or people who disrespect you, tell your problems to your beloved ones, the ones with whom you feel comfortable, cherished and respected, and they make you feel less nervous. Speaking of talking about your problems, why not talk to Allah? Ask for help from Him, to guide you to the right path and make your heart and mind less stressed. Talking to Allah is the best therapy😇

Thank you all the best, if you find the post useful, make sure to share it with somebody else who is going through a hard time😇 i hope this will help.

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If i was given a thousand chance to pick, i would choose you million times

Speakingda examinerim Indian bo'lsinda🫠 Hindistonliklarni talaffuziga qoyil qolaveraman

Task 1:
Detail paragraphs

Overall, it is clear that petrol and oil have been and will continue to be by far the most important means of energy over the period shown. Conversely, nuclear, solar/wind, and hydropower provided and will be expected to be account for the least amount of energy throughout.

Overall, it is evident that the percentage of people aged 15-59 years in Yemen in 2000 will be expected to be almost the same as the ratio of people in the same age category in Italy in 2050. Furthermore, the proportion of people who are above 60 will have seen an increase by 2050, while the reverse is true for residents in both country who are under 15

Overall, it is clear that while local fixed line calls experienced a rise followed by drop in the second half of the period, mobiles together with national and internation fixed line calls saw a consistent increase throughout.

Overall, what stands out from the maps is that whereas the primary layout of an island has negligible amount of tourist attraction, it will undergo a significant transformation to become a spectacular tourist destination.

o'zing uchun pulni ayama

Roses are red, violets are blue. But who needs flowers? When I’ve got you.

uxlash esimga tushib ketdi

Tomorrow, i will practice overviews, 10 part 2&3 questions, and one task 2 question↙️

Task 1 Introductions(though i haven't tried table and process variations)✅

For this question, i couldn't do two variations of intro😅

The line graphs compare six sources of energy residents in the USA consumed in the past and the probability of the usage of these resources till 2030 according to a 2008 report

Sample introductions:

1) Two pie charts compare the percentage of people in three age groups in two particular country in the years 2000 and 2050.
2) Two pie graphs illustrate the proportion of people from three distinctive age groups in Yemen and Italy in the years 2000 and 2050.

Sample introductions(by me😅)

1) The bar chart compares the amount of time residents in the UK spent for calling between 1995 to 2002
2) The chart illustrates how much time UK residents spent for telephone calls from 1995 to 2002(units are measured in billions)

Sample introduction: Two diagrams compare the island prior to and following the construction of tourist infrastructure

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