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Ben Garrison Cartoons

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Never Forget..Hillary chucked into the van like a side of beef....#NeverForget

New Ben Garrison cartoon #NeverForget MOURN THE DEAD, QUESTION THE NARRATIVE The Patriot Act took away our privacy, while the TSA took our dignity. Our Fourth Amendment was crushed. Now the globalists are using the cold & flu against us. read the rest at

Never Forget

#DictatorBiden guess what- OUR patience is wearing thin! NEW BEN GARRISON cartoon for your Friday. Read the post at

NEW #TinaToon It's Hammer Time America! In case of emergency Break glass! Read the GrrrrGreat Post at

I hope the "F-Biden" chants at college football games become a the "wave"used to be!
And running across the field with a "Fuck Biden" Flag would be cool too...take the idea and "run with it" LOL

Your #LaborDay bonus Ben Garrison cartoon-Westworld? No, It's a #Facebook World! Special guest post at

Super Sunday Bonus cartoon for our patriots down under! Keep Fighting back- #NewZealand #Australia #NOLockdowns Take back your freedom- read the great post at

Curses! Foiled again! In Twitter jail for 12 hours!

Horse Sense! Iver mectin being suppressed by the CDC, AMA, and rest of Big Pharma-Could they be trying to discredit it as a “horse drug” in order to stop people from using it? Can't make billions off a generic drug! read the rest at

What Time is it?

Your #WednesdayMotivation Montana moment- Fields of Dreams...

If you need the best cartoons on the internet delivered direct to your email inbox- Please join our Cartoon Grrrnews Today- Tomorrow may be too late!

Репост из: General Flynn ️
I’ve given a lot of thought to the decision to depart Afghanistan. There are orders that an officer can refuse. Those orders must be unethical, immoral or illegal. Leaving even ONE American citizen behind to the likes of the Taleban, not to mention HUNDREDS, represents all three of these conditions…from the 82nd Airborne Division Commander, to the Central Command Commander, all the way up to the POTUS (who is clearly not making any decisions), the decision to leave Americans in Afghanistan high and dry is immoral, unethical and illegal. Not one citizen should have been left behind. God help these people.

New Ben Garrison Cartoon- Watch your back #Taiwan #ChinaJoe #Biden is intentionally destroying America’s reputation around the world. After the #Afghanistan debacle, The Chinese Dragon is licking it's lips- Read the rest at


Репост из: Wendy Rogers
I am trying to get this election decertified. I would really like to get 150k followers on here. Right now we are at 84k. Will you help me get there by sharing this and asking people to follow me?

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” – Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution #BidenMustGo

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