The Reformer

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There's what caused the conflict in Ukraine. I don't know why US Government agencies all have to be run by Catholics when they don't even make up a quarter of the population. They're behind ALL of our conflicts.

Religious freedom my ass!

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Fidel Castro was a Jesuit trained Catholic Communist.

I'm telling you, Communism is Catholic, and there's no two-ways about it.

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Jesuits were the pioneer globalizers

Because everybody knew their Potato famine was just a tool for the Catholic Church to send more Catholics to America to undermine the country.

Send them all back along with their thieving president, Joe Biden!

Guess who saved them in Ireland after millions already moved to America. ROTHSCHILD!

Jesuit Catholic

Every single time!

Thick as thieves.

How the hell did we miss this?

They "fought" Catholic Communism together.


Jesuit educated liar.

There is no virus by that name. He probably got pneumonia at his age. Old hag.

He didn't defeat Communism. Catholic Communism still thrived all over the world. He just helped hide its mission to subvert America and the rest of West.

We are lorded over by Catholic thugs and race baiting White traitors.

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Irish Catholic

You Irish Catholics deserve everything you get. Joe Biden is Irish Catholic and so was JFK, RFK, and Ted Kennedy, and they are the reason we're in this crap. You homos get to come with us, and hopefully it's worse for you than the rest of us.

It's amazing how climate change only occurs in non-White nations as they're mass migrating all non-Whites to White nations.

And the only reason we've lived where we have lived throughout the ages is because nobody else wanted to. It was too severe for them, but somehow it's not now because it's not about the climate. It's about genocide of the White European race, and I'm fed up.

Now I know why the slithery Pope said to stop trying to convert jews. They're Catholics! It sure would be awful for the Catholic Church if they all because Protestants of some form or another.

That's why the Catholic Church has been pumping hundreds of different translations of the Bible. That's one of their first defenses against "Bible only" doctrine. "What happens if you find out the Bible is interpreted wrong," they asked. They're so obvious to me. It took many years of researching the jewish problem to understand it's the Catholic Church they work for and we're all fools for not realizing it.


What are the odds? They're all Catholics.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is no longer with us, but his legacy still remains in the form of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban, and we didn't start having trouble with our military operations in Afghanistan until Trump put Israel into our CENTCOM in control of our Middle East operations, but why were we there in the first place? Because the Catholic mafia, through their CIA organization, needed to take back their opium operations, and that is why they have Muslims in Bosnia. That is who brings heroin into Europe along with the Catholics. All the armed factions backed by the CIA when they bombed Yugoslavia were financed by drug cartels. It was a Catholic\Muslim war against Eastern Orthodox Christians just like flooding the West with non-White migrants is a Catholic\Muslim war on Protestants. The Ustaše in Croatia was a Catholic\Muslim faction during WW2, and they committed genocide or Orthodox Christians much the same way Jesuit Catholic Bill Clinton did in Yugoslavia in the same place Ustaše did it during WW2.

How the hell is Israel not the long arm of the Catholic Church? It can't be anything else other than a big lie to hide the Whore or Babylon which sits on the 7 hills of the beast because it remains unharmed by both Catholics and Muslims while those of non-Catholic European decent continue to suffer, and that Inquisition loving jew right there is just a Catholic hiding behind a facade.

Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, two Catholics who drove the modern Inquisition of the Catholic Church.

The Statue of Liberty is the Roman goddess Libertas.

She was a late Roman goddess which represents the destruction of Rome caused by becoming a multicultural sh** hole. Fine statue to give us, Catholics! She even sits atop the Catipol which is strangely named after the Capitolium of Rome, and...

She sat on the SEVEN HILLS OF ROME.

And the last Church Age which is the Church Age of Laodicea (Λαοδίκεια), named for Laodice, the daughter of last king of Troy in Homer's Iliad, her name is 2 words, "people-justice" λαός (Laos) and Δίκη (Dike) which was the Greek goddess of Justice, Order, Judgment. The last age without kings who judge by council with respect neither for nor against the Church (lukewarm) which has separated state from church so its people can judge by councils instead of the Church. It's the last age, and we live in it. Spiritually, our church is poor and naked in the sight of God, stripped of its White garment

The founder of the ISIS, Al-Qeada, and Taliban was a close friend to the Pope.

That's who murdered all of the non-Catholic Christians in the Middle East, and that is who is filling up White nations full of non-White immigrants who don't belong... the Catholic Church!

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