4 Days left...
4 Days to go...
With over two centuries of history, Jenn Lann Temple in Dajia District stands as one of Taiwan's most renowned Matzu temples. Its annual pilgrimage draws visitors from near and far, making it an emblematic symbol of Taichung.
Like night market culture, the temple culture is also a quintessential aspect of Taiwan's rich heritage. We encourage everyone to partake in this unique experience.
#EATgressinTAICHUNG 15th Stop:
#DajiaJennLannTemple #大甲鎮瀾宮
#MazuSeagoddess #藍海守護神
Have more fun in Taichung,
Join us Now!
TaiChung Res Anomaly Channel: https://t.me/resanomaly2023
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TCResAnomaly23
#Resistance #Ingress #Discoverie
#2023oct14 #4daysleft #FightforTaichung
#Taichungwillbeblue #LetspaintTaichungblue
#台中吃什麼 #EATgressinTAICHUNG
4 Days to go...
With over two centuries of history, Jenn Lann Temple in Dajia District stands as one of Taiwan's most renowned Matzu temples. Its annual pilgrimage draws visitors from near and far, making it an emblematic symbol of Taichung.
Like night market culture, the temple culture is also a quintessential aspect of Taiwan's rich heritage. We encourage everyone to partake in this unique experience.
#EATgressinTAICHUNG 15th Stop:
#DajiaJennLannTemple #大甲鎮瀾宮
#MazuSeagoddess #藍海守護神
Have more fun in Taichung,
Join us Now!
TaiChung Res Anomaly Channel: https://t.me/resanomaly2023
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TCResAnomaly23
#Resistance #Ingress #Discoverie
#2023oct14 #4daysleft #FightforTaichung
#Taichungwillbeblue #LetspaintTaichungblue
#台中吃什麼 #EATgressinTAICHUNG