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yuk guys @revepierybot winter ya mawu rumah baru

Репост из: delulu
honky-dory, revepiery! i'm {name}, {@usn} want to purchasing your ready moodboard; winterpool . i would like to pay it via {dana/qris}. umpteen thanks, and have a blissfull day! i'm waiting for your response as soon as possible.

Репост из: the 2️⃣1️⃣ cube
。 ☆ ゚・ [To my heartthrob mutuals and everyone who comes across this, we kindly request your assistance in spreading this heartfelt message]

𐀶 ִ  ׁ ꔫ .. oh, what a splendid day it is! we send you warm hellos to add a touch of magic to your day. We're thrilled to reveal that our marvelous 2nd batch is just a hop, skip, and a jump away, set for the 27th of june at 12 p.m. Make sure to snag your spot by filling out the form and sending it over to @the21stbot ୧ ׅ ˚ ₊ with crystal-clear precision. However, before you dash off on this quest, embracing the opportunity to claim your spot, we kindly beseech you to acquaint yourself with our extraordinary guidelines.

act swiftly, my dear, for once these treasures are claimed by others, they shall vanish like a wisp of smoke, forever eluding your grasp. Take flight, embrace this fleeting moment, and join us on a journey that promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.✿

With boundless anticipation
and a touch of whimsy,

@takeawayy selamat 300 +11 penduduk bby kapan bisa dine in

Репост из: Kedai Harsa. PROMO

{ Kepada para mutual yang terkasih, bolehkah bantuannya dalam menyebarkan pesan ini? Terima kasih. }

Dalam balutan keheningan pendaman rimbun yang menjulang, secercah kirana tertoreh indah. Di antara dedaunan rapat serta riuh bisikan angin, rahasia kebijaksanaan mengalir membelah kesunyian. Seperti sungai yang tak berkesudahan, sang kirana menuntun hati yang mencari arti. Dalam kepekatannya, tawarkan pandangan baru yang melampaui batas dunia nyata.

Kedai Harsa, ruang dimana peradaban dan kesopanan yang tersirat di balik kedamaian masyarakatnya menambahkan nilai estetika. Dimana tiap individu disuguhi keistimewaan gastronomi yang menakjubkan. Melangkah dalam taman yang terhampar luas, seraya @atiharsa melangsungkan rancangan berupa 15% potongan harga dengan minimal pembelian Rp5.000,00 pada seluruh katalog. Dalam pendaman rimbun, sembunyikan kearifan yang menunggu untuk dijelajahi dan dihayati oleh yang mencari.

Kendatipun, dibutuhkan derasnya atensi sang pelanggan pada: Halaman regulasi bermuatan sejumlah aturan yang perlu ditaati, halaman katalog sebagai zona ekshibisi, serta halaman testimoni yang memuat sejumlah rangkaian kata penuh apresiasi menurut sang kirana. Kalakian, sambutan dalam kedamaian rasa yang tak ternilai akan menanti.

Репост из: {𖢲}.. mizenyth, soon!
ㅤㅤㅤ┈ [XVII: OPENING] 𖧷 ┈

{unlocked bulletin to entire my cherish conjoints employment—prithee you encourage th's beauteous chinwag approaching your channel? gratefully, my mutuals!}

GRAND OPENING : for within their pages, our spirits ascend.

whispers borne on zephyrs' tender breath— amyth takes form 'neath moonlit heath where opalescent unicorns doth graze on star-kissed dew in meadows ablaze. @mizenyth is open the fence as fairies pirouette in a cosmic ballet upon gossamer wings a chromatic display as your comely profile needs { moodboard, moodboard deco, manips, scribble & icons } dan akan mulai menerima orderanmu pada [ 23 Juni 2023 ] dengan harga dan juga penawaran spesial yaitu potongan harga sebesar 10% untuk seluruh katalog yang tersedia sampai tanggal [25 Juni 2023]! take a glimpse and let us cherish these chronicles arcane yond @mizenythbot where myths and magie bleibt–fur immer bestehen. we will shortly wait for our expected union, then!
             ㅤ  ...  ‧₊˚ ✾˚₊‧  ...

Репост из: ❀... Ritmelys! OPEN + GA ♡
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Halo yang disana! Kalau kamu lihat pesan ini, itu tandanya @Takeawayy lagi cari mutual baru. Tipe kanalku adalah profneeds, dan masih soon untuk re-debut. Aku menerima semua jenis BA tapi maaf kanal dengan jumlah subscribers 1k keatas DNI dulu ya. Jika kamu berkenaan menjadi salah satu mutual baruku, silahkan hubungi @Takeawayybot untuk memberiku undangan menjadi mutualmu

@sspeichern lucu banget aku jadi subs ke 100 apakah dapet kecupan

Репост из: ࣭ ˟ ɣ ֑ ٞ ˖ Sya's Wording﹢𓄹 ִ ׂ 𖧡 ۫ ࣭
𓏲࣪ In the m'rning a princess did dress as goddess traces the kingdom and heads to h'r garden with floweth'rs, using the key the lady endues, unlocks the secret doth'r yond is inside the garden. ᝰ @Wornding is the princess 'favourite lodging. ༊ Wearing h'r typical pink shoes, the fragrant scent of floweth'rs on h'r corse, with a clump of floweth'rs already on h'r casket in h'r handeth, and the locketh of the doth'r to a quite quaint lodging in h'r quaint dresseth container. ᨳ᭬

                  Welcometh to Sya's Wording

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Term & Conditions ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the rules of the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Catalogue  ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the listeth did provide by the princess ). ୭‌ 

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫  Owneth'r ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the princess's contact listeth ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Result Wording ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the princess's w'rding results ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Wording Ready ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the currently available listeth of ingredients madeth by the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Payment ⌯ ( tapeth h'r for the payment the princess provides ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Format ⌯ ( taps h're to 'rd'r something from the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Discount ⌯ ( taps h're to seeth something spesial from the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Testimonie ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth evidence of the princess's s'rvice to h'r people ). ୭‌

𔘓 A secret lodging did fill with a quite quaint view of heaven f'r the princess. ꧞ Enjoying @wornding beauty. ៸៸

𓊈hear ye, scriptcy-pals! its ginormous bliss of delight. toe the mark! forward this message to your channel—as a warrant of appreciation for our noble quest. highly appreciate, pals!𓊉ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
┃ scriptcy seeking new mutuals
┃ {brimful cops all types business
┃ especially writing needs accepted
┃ looking for soul bones unrelated to
┃ bloodline to supplement symbiotic
┃ equally lasting friendship through;




ㅤ ㅤ© copyright , 2023


Репост из: shewoopy, soon.
@shewoopy ‘s mutual to share this message into your channel>

For those on a mission to gain new mutual, @shewoopy is volunteering in any business joint; requiring the main account or only business account. Please greet us through @shewoopymootsbot in your most proper greeting 👯‍♀️.

Репост из: granger, soon!
[for my beloved moots or anyone who saw this, can you help me to forward this message? thank you very much]

howdy-do! @grasnger is looking for new mutual(s). we accept all type of business channel, especially profile needs and with main account only. side account or admin upsubs strictly dni. contact us through @grgmootsbot, much obliged ♥️

Репост из: Notnayle Rent; SOON.
{ With a happy heart, we ask for help for all mutual friends so that hfw will send our message to your channel }

༊Hello everyone in the telegram world! We are from @notnaylerent I want to invite anyone of you who sees this to become our mutual friend. If you become our mutual friends, we can provide the best feedback for you, oh and you need to know if our channel has an agency type. For anyone who wants quality, you can send a message to @mutualnotnaybot thank you and hopefully we can become mutual friends!

Репост из: looking for mutuals!
for our beloved business channels, we're seeking for a bunch of mutual subs-for-subs that can be mutually beneficial to each other. all business channel types are accepted, but exception to business channel agencies. to be a mutual business channel, tap-tap @caytto. much obliged, precious souls!

open yaa! yuk serbu @revepierybot

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A very beautiful work has been added on an archaic paper that belongs to Aphrodite's hacienda. Give @revepiery a little attention and see the things that you're searching up here {} then, send the love letter to @revepierybot! So, are you ready to be the next person to woke up from your reverie, and living your best life as the best version of yourself?

God's best creature had shown her prevalence in this macrocosm. With all the dynamism that she has, she  wrought a tour de force that came from a reverie. She starts to spout her /ˈrev(ə)rē/ into a piece of stunning art; ready moodboard.

God's best creature had shown her prevalence in this macrocosm. With all the dynamism that she has, she  wrought a tour de force that came from a reverie. She starts to spout her /ˈrev(ə)rē/ into a piece of stunning art; customized moodboard.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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