Фильтр публикаций

Die Kreuzfahrtbranche boomt und verzeichnet so viele Passagiere wie nie zuvor. Allein in Deutschland buchten 2,23 Millionen Menschen einen Ozeantrip https://perma.cc/D4HY-FABK

The cruise industry is booming and has more passengers than ever before. In Germany alone, 2.23 million people booked an ocean trip, an increase of three percent compared to the previous year.

LNG Cruises are NOT polluting free cruises!

Most important, let we complain against Klimakleber or too less money, while we continue to increase money we waste for polluting trips ...

Again, in summary:
- buy an electric car IS NOT synonym of polluting less! If we ignore all other aspects!

- using cars because it takes 5 minutes less than using bus or trains IS NOT AN EXCUSE!

- buying Tesla because Tesla is green IS BULLSHIT! There is no brand that is green! and Tesla for sure is NOT green! even if still better than many others

and behind Tesla there is Elon = indirect pollution done to Tesla!

- taking a rocket trip to Mars by saying "yes, i'm the only one, look what is doing China" IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR YOUR POLLUTION!

- taking airplanes just to make a speech is NOT an excuse! Use Skype or whatever you want for doing your (bullshit) speech.

- "Yes, but poor people are polluting too" is NOT an excuse too!
because first, they pollute much less! and second, their brain works better than those of rich people who disagree all laws against their lifestyle!

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The main problem of planet destruction? Politician, rich people, politician, brands focused just on money, again politician, people who give a shit (just think people trashing cigarettes in the nature ...), yes politician again, most asiatic countries and again POLITICIAN!

Bundesschulden https://perma.cc/YZ97-3JEJ

Schulden https://perma.cc/T3B3-FLZF

Goldreserven der Schweizerischen Nationalbank von 2012 bis 2022 https://perma.cc/A4F8-HSMX

Wo die Nationalbank ihr Gold versteckt: In diesem Bunker liegen Milliarden an Volksvermögen https://perma.cc/9BMK-DZTC

Sehen Sie sich Schweizs Goldreserven von 1999-06 bis 2023-05 in der Grafik an: https://perma.cc/R93S-SUBB

Ist das Gold der Nationalbank wirklich in Sicherheit? https://perma.cc/7KAJ-KJ4L

"In Solidarität investieren" https://perma.cc/2WGZ-WR55

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold https://perma.cc/TT5X-Q7AS

The downside of gold https://perma.cc/72P8-3NW6

WWF-Rating in der Uhren- und Schmuckbranche https://perma.cc/42GJ-784W

WWF-Studie: Die dunkle Seite des Goldhandels und die zentrale Rolle der Schweiz https://perma.cc/W5J6-NQVZ

Die Kehrseite des Goldes https://perma.cc/D8SG-X4K2

Goldabbau ist oft mit schlechten Arbeitsbedingungen, Sklaverei, Menschenhandel, Kinderarbeit und Zwangsprostitution verbunden. Beim Goldabbau verschmutzen giftige Chemikalien wie Quecksilber und Zyanid die Flüsse und gelangen so über Fische und Landwirtschaft bis zum Menschen. Allein seit 2011 wurden mehr als 500 Quadratkilometer des Amazonas durch Goldabbau zerstört, zurück bleiben Mondlandschaften.

Der Goldabbau belastet das Klima mit umgerechnet 12'500 Kilogramm CO2 pro Kilogramm Gold. Das ist fast dreimal so viel wie alle transportbedingten Emissionen


Etude du WWF: la face sombre du négoce de l’or et le rôle central de la Suisse https://perma.cc/C4NV-VPM2

Or: Le revers de la médaille https://perma.cc/QQ6F-NAYC

Evaluation du WWF dans les secteurs de l’horlogerie et de la joaillerie https://perma.cc/T46Q-XXEK

Studio del WWF: il lato oscuro del commercio dell'oro e il ruolo ... https://perma.cc/XR33-YPM4

L’altra faccia dell'oro https://perma.cc/6PMA-HGFS

Rating WWF sul settore orologiero e dei gioielli
Es el momento para devolverle la atención a la Amazonía https://perma.cc/ZFH6-DFXH

This is the big difference between Pavel Durov and all other rich people! "Some people suggested I should have instead bought a house or a jet. But I prefer to stay focused on my work, without “owning” anything" while other rich people just pollute our planet, etc. @ClimateChangeTelegram

"Rich people are paying more taxes so they are doing something for our planet"
1) Swiss is not using all such money to protect our planet!
2) More money they earn, more they go to places where they need to pay less taxes, as you can see exactly in this picture (green). Red are places where you need to pay much more than average.
3) They pay taxes (if they pay that ...) just because they need to pay that!

So in conclusion: Rich people = more taxes != climate protection

More stats available here https://t.me/SwitzerlandFacts

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump visit the devastating Kibbutz of Kfar Aza

Ivanka Trump = Trump daughter = 🇺🇸

Do we want to talk about pollution????!

It's a shame that such "stars" (which at the end they are not, since are nothing special at all... they just are stars because the father is ...) pollute our planet to visit something, that can be watched on YouTube too!

What will change once their "fake" visit will end? Nothing!
The problems are the same. The war will be the same. Such people are NOTHING! She is even not a human rights watchers or analyst of war crimes or scientist! She is only a CO2 polluter!

Only our planet is 😢, because this was JUST A WASTE OF CO2!
Exactly like all politicians visiting such places, instead of doing live-streaming

Without considering that visiting a place is not synonym of seeing the reality! or that people are not acting with a double face ...

Ivanka Trump, a girl that already in the past gave a shit to our planet, preferring to use jets, yachts and similar shit, like most rich people are doing! Just do a Google search ...

This is the shame of our planet, when for the humanity are more important children killed in Gaza, instead of considering the tons of birds and other animals killed during the war, or being in trauma due to noise pollution!

Would be time to remember that ECOCIDE IS A CRIME and those who contribute, should be sentenced! Even those who travel with no sense just to visit Israel, exactly like Elon Musk and co did! They just continued their pollution as rich people and don't fix any problems at all.

Obviously such shit is not just done with Israel, since such people do that for everything ... Every no sense thing they need to visit ... even if we LIVE IN A DIGITAL WORLD!

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No matter what, this is 100x better and important than all jets used by rich people and politicians with no sense! especially if such fighters are not abused to do a massacre like Israel or Russia are doing, by polluting at the same time, near killing people.

So if such fighters are used to protect the country!

Even better than Elon Musk polluting lifestyle related to mars and making money from rich people

Backup by @AnimalFreaks
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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Our future? NO THANKS! This maybe will be our planet destruction! If all people start to be like @RichPeopleTelegram giving a shit to everything having just money in mind.

First, money is not synonym of doing something important

There are some people doing important things, like Pavel Durov

Second, money is not synonym of being better than someone other! Is the opposite. You get more arrogant and 🤯when you get rich! exactly like TikTokers growing from 200 followers to mio did! There are still some decent people with no fused brain

Third, money is not synonym of real friends and wife or colleagues! They are just all fakes looking to get your money. So once you have tons money, you will lose real love and friends! You can believe they are friends, until you get a kick in the ass from them!

Fourth, money is not synonym of less criminality or more security. It's the opposite, rich people are the first criminals that get not sentenced until now!

Fifth, you can have how much money you want, you will still die maybe with cancer or dementia! exactly like all other people.

Sixth, money is not synonym of science / facts / rights!

What we see in this video? JUST POLLUTION!
Elon Musk style excuses
a lifestyle in 🇳🇴 and 🇸🇦 style = money with oil or other abuses
job discrimination
and maybe they don't own that too
we don't see any nordic Polestar
plus we see just car accidents
and new required laws related to cars

This is not the future of our planet! and our rights! You just think only on yourself, giving a shit to what happens to other or in other countries. NO THANKS!

It's time to put Elon Musk in court for ecocide! Who matter if this dude is an overevaluated bullshit dude with bio of dollars!

It's time to put people working for governments and allowing such thing in prison too!

Criminal are criminal! Crimes are not related just to poor people! Or yes, if we consider how America is discriminating people!


Elon Musk says he’s prepared to go to prison if U.S. government tries to censor X ... PERFECT! You are also ready to go in prison for ecocide! and bullshit promotion!

Near other things that cannot be sentenced, but are still problematic!


Since 1990, the bottom 50% of the world population has been responsible for only 16% of all emissions growth, whereas the top 1% has been responsible for 23% of the total. While per-capita emissions of the global top 1% increased since 1990, emissions from low- and middle-income groups within rich countries declined.

From Global carbon inequality over 1990–2019

12 most important things people should / need to do, if they really want to change the current critical planet situation https://t.me/MeteoTelegram/24

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Maybe rich people should start to read https://t.me/ClimateChangeTelegram/28 or @ElonMuskPollution ... instead of thinking without 🧠

Pro of 🛩 for such people: ⚡️ Negative points: Nothing = 0!

Backup by @FinanceFactsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

Показано 12 последних публикаций.


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