that night there was a big conflict between the rintarovskimi and @aftuisherr
// putting the gun to the forehead of the enemy, rintarovsky said //
– this night you will disappear forever.
// the enemy, not understanding anything, took a pistol out of his pocket and also put it to our man's forehead, said //
– I don't know what nonsense you are talking, but at this moment you will die.
// before he could pull the trigger, someone knocked him out from behind. As soon as he woke up, he saw before his eyes a dark room where he was tied to a chair, there were other people around the opponent//
// the head of the rintarovskih approached the enemy saying only a few words//
– you will stay with us forever and no one will ever find you.
::after that day, no one has ever seen them, have a good hunger games!
// putting the gun to the forehead of the enemy, rintarovsky said //
– this night you will disappear forever.
// the enemy, not understanding anything, took a pistol out of his pocket and also put it to our man's forehead, said //
– I don't know what nonsense you are talking, but at this moment you will die.
// before he could pull the trigger, someone knocked him out from behind. As soon as he woke up, he saw before his eyes a dark room where he was tied to a chair, there were other people around the opponent//
// the head of the rintarovskih approached the enemy saying only a few words//
– you will stay with us forever and no one will ever find you.
::after that day, no one has ever seen them, have a good hunger games!