These weren’t the only members of Cuba’s Jewish population who supported and benefited from Castro’s communist revolution — Manual Stolik Novigod, a Jew who became one of Castro’s top diplomats is yet another example — but the foregoing discussion clearly demonstrates that, as 0.6 percent of the Cuban population at the time, Jews played a significant and disproportionate role in bringing about the murder and terror that has accompanied Castro’s rule in Cuba.
Put it this way: Jews bankrolled Castro’s M26J group, one of Castro’s key commanders was a Jew, the long-time head of the ‘official communist party’ in Cuba and a Castro ally was a Jew and Castro believed himself to be of Jewish ancestry.
Put it this way: Jews bankrolled Castro’s M26J group, one of Castro’s key commanders was a Jew, the long-time head of the ‘official communist party’ in Cuba and a Castro ally was a Jew and Castro believed himself to be of Jewish ancestry.