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Репост из: Inom Raximov | Blog
Dushanba qiyinligi yakshanba osonligidan.



Remember, only thing you can bring to heaven is people.

Репост из: ʜɪᴋᴍᴀᴛɪʏ SHEʼRLARI
Xa mayli

Gaplari tegar misoli o'qdek,
Poylagani nishoni yo'qdek.
Qizarib ketardim cho'g'dek,
"Xa mayli dedim" indamay.

Ko'zga yosh kelardi damda,
Bu olamda haqiqat kamda.
Shu sababki ko'zlar namda,
"Xa mayli dedim" indamay.

Jahl qilmadim turdim kulib,
Gapirmayin haddimni bilib.
Ular yurgandi bilganin qilib,
"Xa mayli dedim" indamay.

Yaxshi kunda oldi yonimni,
Oqlashdilar rosa nomimni.
Bugun kuydirdilar jonimni,
"Xa mayli dedim" indamay.

Dilimni qildilar pora - pora,
Kerak payti yo'qdir chora.
Ko'ngilday bormi bechora,
"Xa mayli dedim" indamay.


Kanal: @hikmatiysherlari


So'ralmagan savolga javob bermang

Bitta qadam orqaga, uchta qadam oldinga.

⚡️ Menimcha, boshqalar bilan muloqot qilishda ancha samalari bu usulni ko'pchilik bilsa kerak.

Shu kunlarda o'zimni fikrimni boshqalarga to'liq yetkazib berishda ozgina mummo sezyapman, va buni qisman to'g'irlash uchun shu usuldan foydalanishga qaror qildim.

🔥 Ko'ramiz nima o'zgarish bo'lar ekan.



📌 Ask ChatGPT "Based on everything you know about me create the perfect picture of what my life looks like"

⚡️Btw, that is what my life looks like nowadays.

😀 If possible, send the picture to the comment section

Which one do you love more: you who is living now, or you who will be living in the future?



Do not do things that make you feel bad after doing it

🔽 Questions:


thinking about someone or something that does not exist anymore is kinda weird

If you fear death, you are not ready to meet your lord

©️ s.hukr

I realised one thing today:

They are not wrong, I am in the wrong place

Nobody can create a problem for me but me

The wild robot

⚡️Click to watch

⚡️ Takrorlayman

I am very stupid person, nevertheless why do people still keep asking for that fucking recommendations from me?

Репост из: Munisbek Otajanov
Bo'sh vagon - juda ko'p shovqin chiqaradi.

Manba: Shaha Dolimov (youtube)

Репост из: 𝗫𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗺𝗶𝘆 | 𝗠𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝘆𝗮
Iltimos qanaqadir yoqmagan yoki o'xshamagan joyi bo'lsa @xorazmiybg_bot'ga yozing.

Feedback berishni negativlik deb hisoblamayman😀

Репост из: 𝗫𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘇𝗺𝗶𝘆 | 𝗠𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝘆𝗮
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