Miui Apps Troubleshootings
- Miui Apps Optionals: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/54012
- Global troubleshootings: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/29836
- If you have disabled your Android Signature Verification but still find INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE in Miui Security installation, then just ignore it and reboot. If Miui Security app is not installed after reboot, that means you are failed to disable Android Signature Verification and you can try another method in #disable_signature notes.
- If you have density issue, probably you are using a buggy custom kernel. Just restore your default kernel.
- The notification in Miui Gallery is a notification of media scanner foreground service required for scanning photos and videos in your storages. Just long tap and minimize the notif if it's annoying.
- Miui Gallery doesn't have inbuilt video player. Use this app instead: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miui.videoplayer
You can find it here also: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/xiaomi-inc/mi-video/
- You can create PDF in Miui Gallery by installing this app: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/kingsoft-office-software-corporation-limited/mi-doc-viewer-powered-by-wps-小米文档查看器(wps定制)/
Need to grant the storage permission manually otherwise your PDF cannot be saved. Screenshot: https://t.me/androidryukimods/203. The PDF file will be saved to internal storage /MIUI/Gallery/PDF/.
- If signature test is failed in Miui Security or Screen Recorder Magisk Module, then you need to disable Android Signature Verification first. Tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/58331. You can re-enable the Android Signature Verification after those Miui apps are installed correctly. They will be keep installed and working normally. But if you want to update or reinstall those modules, you need to disable Android Signature Verifications again.
- If Miui Game Turbo and Security Scan won't be connected to network then allow System service plugin app and MIUI security components app network access in it's app info > mobile data. Find it in your Settings app and enable show system apps. You can also find it via MT Manager > Extract APK > System App > System service plugin or MIUI security components > More > Details > Data Usage > Allow network.
- If Miui Gallery or any other else app won't be connected to network then allow the network access manually in it's app info > mobile data.
- Some people were talking about privacy concern about using miui Gallery. What’s your opinion?
I don't know
- Miui Apps Optionals: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/54012
- Global troubleshootings: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/29836
- If you have disabled your Android Signature Verification but still find INSTALL_FAILED_SHARED_USER_INCOMPATIBLE in Miui Security installation, then just ignore it and reboot. If Miui Security app is not installed after reboot, that means you are failed to disable Android Signature Verification and you can try another method in #disable_signature notes.
- If you have density issue, probably you are using a buggy custom kernel. Just restore your default kernel.
- The notification in Miui Gallery is a notification of media scanner foreground service required for scanning photos and videos in your storages. Just long tap and minimize the notif if it's annoying.
- Miui Gallery doesn't have inbuilt video player. Use this app instead: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miui.videoplayer
You can find it here also: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/xiaomi-inc/mi-video/
- You can create PDF in Miui Gallery by installing this app: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/kingsoft-office-software-corporation-limited/mi-doc-viewer-powered-by-wps-小米文档查看器(wps定制)/
Need to grant the storage permission manually otherwise your PDF cannot be saved. Screenshot: https://t.me/androidryukimods/203. The PDF file will be saved to internal storage /MIUI/Gallery/PDF/.
- If signature test is failed in Miui Security or Screen Recorder Magisk Module, then you need to disable Android Signature Verification first. Tap here: https://t.me/androidryukimodsdiscussions/58331. You can re-enable the Android Signature Verification after those Miui apps are installed correctly. They will be keep installed and working normally. But if you want to update or reinstall those modules, you need to disable Android Signature Verifications again.
- If Miui Game Turbo and Security Scan won't be connected to network then allow System service plugin app and MIUI security components app network access in it's app info > mobile data. Find it in your Settings app and enable show system apps. You can also find it via MT Manager > Extract APK > System App > System service plugin or MIUI security components > More > Details > Data Usage > Allow network.
- If Miui Gallery or any other else app won't be connected to network then allow the network access manually in it's app info > mobile data.
- Some people were talking about privacy concern about using miui Gallery. What’s your opinion?
I don't know