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Репост из: Janine 🇿🇦
Here’s Norman Fowler, the Speaker of the House Of The Lords, PRETENDING TO GET THE cv*d jab. The person acting as a medical staff holds the needle part of the syringe with her fingers while pretending to give him the shot. What kind of medical staff does that? Plus the syringe still has the cap on.

Swiss health minister visiting mannequins in hospital how vrry kind of him....

Репост из: Jack Dawkins
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Nurse collapses live on air after receiving the 'Coronavirus vaccine'.

Репост из: leon peacock
nice braai with friends. This is in line with my benefactors' agenda to destroy your social lives. This I wiill keep 'till the end of January whereby I again will move you back to level 3 whereby I will forbid tobacco and booze under "non essential goods" again among other bans such as baked food, gyms, seed, etc, etc. You "think" you have won the court case against NDZ- but wait- we have another surprise for you in stock. After two months we again will move you up the ladder to level 4 and level 5 whereby your Covid pass will become "mandatory"with which your movement will be restricted and we then will either starve you to death or force you to take the vaccination.
Thirdly- Speaking of vaccinations- my benefactors Bill Gates, Soros, the WHO and Davos World Economic forum now are shoving a hot poker up by commi arse to get going with the "lockdown" bullshit- so- please bear with me as I now will accelerate your misery and abuse your constitutional rights once again. You see- when there is a national crisis we in the Commi ANC can break the law and disregard the constitution any way we want. So now we become inventive and CREATE a national crisis and then we break the law and disregard the constitution at will.
Lastly- Please bear in mind that we will come down hard on you from on February 2021 with the introduction of the mandatory "Covid Pass", Covid App and restrict you to leave your house further than 400 meters. We will then by that time have the deadly vaxination ready to zap you all against your will. You will not be able to buy or sell without this App or pass declaring you "safe." .
Your stupid shops , banks and retail stores will enforce my wish upon you. My soldiers and corrupt police - assisted by brain-washed traffic officials will patrol your streets and in line with my "Fourth Revolution- all white shops will be closed and you will be arrested in true communist-style if you dare oppose my newly introduced Socialist rules and regulations. My lackeys in the media such as Adriaan Basson, IOL, ENC-NEWS and media 24 will assist me in sending out false propaganda to brain wash you into believing all the bullsh*t we feed you.
In case of civil unrest, a revolt or rebellion- we in the communist party will flee the country to where we already have moved all our riches and assets to- and hand over the country to your new masters- the United Nations - to sort you out.
My Fellow South Africans- I thank you for the opportunity you gave us to make lots of money on your suffering- but as sheep go- one sheep's sacrifice can make lots of corrupt cronies fill their pockets..sorry- I mean to say BELLIES. Let us fight this "plandemic" together- ( you do the suffering while we do the Johnny Walker Blue toasting) -let us (you) sacrifice again to ensure that we (in the communist party) overcome this threat against (your) societies and we (In the Communist Party) on the end of the day will persevere and walk out victorious again on all the dead bodies , destroyed economy and broken societies we will leave behind for the cause of "depopulation through vaccination".
I thank you!

Репост из: leon peacock
"My fellow South Africans- first- let me inform you that I am not a South African by ancestral lineage- but factually my people comes from Kenya. But do not be surprised- as most of my ANC and EFF buddies such as Dhlamini Zuma who 's family came from the DRC and Julius Malema who's family comes from Zimbabwe also has no patriotic connection to this country. So please do not expect us to put your country first. As we managed to get lots of people getting sick because of the constant mask wearing to force you to inhale your own poisonous carbon dioxide fumes- and Nanno shit we put on the end of the swabs we test you with to track you down - we have ample reason to start playing our "Covid" fun and games again.
Secondly: Tonight I am going to systematically move you back on the ladder to stage 2- ( the frog in the pot syndrome you know?) -whereby I will forbid you to visit beaches, party after 10, put business bans on liquor stores, have a good old family Christmas and have any

Mense wees praat hulle het nou net my suster hulle aan geval op skietfontein plotte da by die laarskool se kant, die oom en tanie langs aan hulle het Baie seer gekry MA hulle is OK. Sy kon dit regkry om die eienaar te laat weet, hulle het gespaner met sy aankom. Da was 6 van hulle met pangas.

Репост из: Saved Content
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Репост из: Saved Content
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