Salafi Homeschooling Network

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Welcome to the Salafi Homeschooling Network!
This channel aims to share useful resources for homeschoolers and help parents with homeschooling.
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Репост из: Markaz 'Uthmān Ibn 'Affān
Encouragement to focus on learning & teaching the Qurʿān

The Prophet ﷺ said:
((خيركم من تعلم القرأن وعلمه))
“The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it to others.”

Sheikh Albānī raḥimahullāh commented:

وفي هذا الحديث: إشارة إلى تعلم القرآن , وأن خير المعلمين هو معلم القرآن , وأن خير ما تعلم المرء هو تعلم القرآن , فياليت طلاب العلم يعلمون ذلك فإن فيه النفع العظيم , وإنه مما عمت به البلوى في زماننا هذا أنك تجد كثيرا من الدعاة أو المبتدئين في طلب العلم يتصدر للدعوة والفتيا والإجابة على أسئلة الناس وهو لا يحسن قراءة الفاتحة بالمخارج الصحيحة لكل حرف فتراه ينطق السين ضادا والطاء تاء والذال زايا والثاء سينا , ويقع في اللحن الجلي فضلا عن اللحن الخفي , والمفروض -بداهة - أن يحسن قراءة القرآن عن حفظه , لكي يحسن استخراج الآيات والإستدلال بها في مواعظه ودروسه ودعوته. فتراه ينشغل بالتصحيح والتضعيف والرد على العلماء والترجيح بينهم , وتسمع منه دائما كلمات هي أعلى من المستوى الذي هو عليه...

“In this hadith is a direction to learn the Qur’an, and that the best of teachers are those who teach the Qur’an, and that the best thing a person can learn is the Qur’an. If only the students of knowledge knew that, because it is of great benefit. Indeed it is a common calamity in our times that you find many Duʿāt and beginner students of knowledge who put themselves forward for Daʿwah and giving Fatāwā while they haven't perfected recitation of Al-Fātiḥah with correct pronunciation and correct articulation of each letter. So you see him pronouncing the seen س as dhaad ض, the taa ط as taa ت, the dhaal ذ as zaay ز, and the thaa ث as seen س, and he falls into clear major mistakes (lahn jaliyy) let alone minor mistakes (lahn khafiyy). Whereas, what's necessary - intuitively - is that he improves his recitation of the Qur’an from memory, in order to be able to extract the Aayaat and quote them [correctly] in his sermons, lessons and Da'wah. Rather you find such a person busy with authentication and weakening (of hadeeth) and refutations against ʿUlamā and judging between them. And you will always hear speech from him that is above his level...”

[Silsilatul Aḥādeeth aṣ-Saḥīḥah, Ḥadeeth no. 1173]

Репост из: Markaz 'Uthmān Ibn 'Affān
Masjid Umm Al Quraa
530 High St N, London E12 6QN

Brothers will be on the first floor. The entrance for brothers is to the right of the building.

Sisters will be on the ground floor. The entrance for sisters is to the left of the building.

We'll use this channel ( to broadcast live recordings and post any updates related to the classes.



2. To make things easier - the rememberances have been arranged in the following order:
a. The first seven Rememberances are exactly the same for both morning and evening.
b. The next four are also general for morning and evening, but they differ slightly in wording - as you will notice in shā Allāh.
c. The last Rememberance is only said in the evening.

3. If you want to memorise these Adhkār in an easy manner, I recommend listening to the clip and following along every EVENING for 2 - 3 weeks.



2. To make things easier, they have been arranged in the following order:
a. The first seven Rememberances are exactly the same for both morning and evening.
b. The next four are also general for morning and evening, but they differ slightly in wording - as you will notice in shā Allāh.
c. The last Rememberance is only said in the morning.

3. To memorise these Adhkār effortlessly, I recommend listening to the clip and following along every MORNING for 2 - 3 weeks.

Rough translation of the above poem

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Poet narrates a sad story about undutiful children.

How are you with your parents?
Because الجزاء من جنس العمل
What goes around comes around

Репост из: Madrasatuna | مدرستنا

1⃣. Copies of 'Al-Arabiyyah bayna Yadayk' cost £24.99 (per book) at Darussalam warehouse (Leyton). I doubt you'll find it any cheaper, والله أعلم. If you buy a physical copy, please colour in the heads. Alternatively, a pictureless electronic copy is available:

2⃣. For المبادئ المفيدة, you can purchase Arabic copies from Albarakaat bookstore (Leyton). Alternatively, an electronic copy is available:

🔺Note: The app ⤴️ is good, as it includes English translation.

3⃣. The Qur'an class is open to all levels, however, At-Ta3aawun is matloob.

4⃣. Fiqhul Muyassar costs £14 on here:

Alternatively, an electronic copy is available:


● Good punctuality
● Update students of any delays/changes affecting class schedule
● Prepare and deliver classes to a level appropriate for beginners
● Set appropriate H/W

● Good punctuality
● Appropriate dress code (thawb above ankles is minimum)
● update teacher of any absences
● Observe good mannerisms during class
● Revise and complete h/w to a good standard
● No picture-taking / filming

Those who adhere to the above will be treated like "students of knowledge", while those who do not will be treated like "visitors".

وفق الله الجميع لمرضاته

Feel free to join these classes as part of your homeschooling curriculum

Focus on basic issues of Ēmān while helping kids memorise the Qurʿān...


Do any brothers know of any channel/website to download workbook for children which help them with homeschooling?


Summer holidays
Starting tomorrow Insha'Allah

👖 Clothing of the Children 🩳

Al-Alaamah Saalih Al-Fawzān (may Allah preserve him) was asked about the clothing of the children:

📥 Question:

بالنسبة للطفل الصغير هل يجب أن يقصر في ثيابه لئلا يكون مسبلا؟

Regarding infants, is it obligatory for their clothes to be shortened so they don't go below the ankles?

📤 Answer:

نعم ، يُربى على السنة الطفل الصغير يربى على السنة ما يُربى على مخالفة السنة .

Yes, he should be raised upon the sunnah, the young child should be raised upon the sunnah and not raised upon opposing the sunnah.

Source: Sharh Fathul Majeed
Translated by:
Abu Musa Jamaal al-Britaani

Don't let your children be your enemies on the Day of Judgement. Raise your children to be good, Shari’ah abiding citizens.

Some might argue, “Ibnul Qayyim was speaking about his time. The biggest cause of corruption in our time is social media.”

Well, who bought and gifted them that smartphone?!

Wake up call!

Fictional stories for children 📚

Editors note: If one were to pay attention, modern day Children’s Fiction Stories contain dangerous ideas and ideologies which exposes the innocent child to negative behavioral tendencies and corrupt belief systems. Most of the famous authors are known for their disbelief and immoral behavior.
We ask Allāh, the Most High, for protection and safety from the plots and ploys of the disbelievers.

Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan (may Allah preserve him) said:
Raise your children upon the worship of Allah, upon preserving the prayer with the congregation by attending the masaajid, upon seeking knowledge, attending the lessons of knowledge in the masaajid, the lectures, and other than that in which there is benefit for them. This is in order to supplement their lessons and their material at school. Also the masaajid, O servants of Allah, are the most important schools and they are more important than the schools that are well-known. So the masaajid are the schools in reality in which the children are raised upon the obedience of Allah, the worship of Allah, upon obtaining beneficial knowledge and righteous role models. So preserve them in the masaajid. Do not waste them nor leave them sleeping, amusing themselves, and playing. Make them attend the masaajid with you in order to train them upon obedience, to have affinity for the masaajid, to show them their fellow Muslim brothers praying in rows behind one Imam, supplicating to Allah, remembering Allah, and reciting the Quran. So preserve your children“.
Translated by
Faisal bin Abdul Qaadir bin Hassan Abu Sulaymaan

For those who can't attend physically

It's imperative to keep the kids busy with khayr during the summer holidays‼️

Репост из: Masjid Al-Imām Muqbil
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We are pleased to announce the start of a new summer student of knowledge programme called, “Imām Al-Awzā’ī Programme” in Masjid Al Imām Muqbil.

Many subjects will be covered in this programme over the span of a month, including:

- Arabic grammar
- Principles of Fiqh
- Hadīth Terminology
- Tawhīd
- Aqīdah
- Fiqh
- Tajwīd
- Principles of Tafsīr

11 books are being taught in this programme.

We advise those who can attend and benefit to do so.

We ask Allāh to make it beneficial and fruitful.

والحمد لله رب العالمين

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