Sam Beau Patrick Health Queen

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Healthy body = Fulfilled life

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Репост из: HATS 🎩
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Police in France decide to stand with the people. 💪

The first graph shows you Covid rates abd underneath deaths.
Doesn’t look to me like kids die from this! So why vax them?
Research overseas has demonstrated this again and again. Kids are safe. Let them be.

Thought I’d bring some perspective to this deadly disease. Directly photographed from the

Репост из: Australians for CHD
💥Explosive!💥Parliamentary inquiry this week reveals expert advisory group ATAGI never recommended vaccine mandates for businesses (yesterday's Herald Sun page 6). . States have therefore NOT followed health advice when enforcing mandate. How many businesses have gone under, how many suicides, how many maimed by the jab, how many families torn apart?

Репост из: CBKNEWS
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In Germany, children are forced to "go in front of the class and state their vaxx status, those who are vaxxed are applauded, those who are not have to explain why they are not."

Germany now seems to be getting even worse than Australia!

Evil. Evil. Evil.


On now. Pivotal

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