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ᴏwnᴇr: @Schnappxs
infᴏ: @infoachnappxs
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нᴀᴩᴇɜᴋи, ᴀʙᴀᴛᴀᴩᴋи и ᴛд ᴨᴏ ᴩᴀɜныʍ ɸд

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— 𐙚 avatars with Jonathan 𐙚
°• [ 1:1 ~ 1080 ] •°
➴ if you took our material, put “+” in the comment
#strangerthings #avatars #JonathanByers #S4

— 𐙚 scenes with Billy 𐙚
°• [ 2:1~ 2К ] •°
➴ if you took our material, put “+” in the comment
#strangerthings #scenes #Billy #S2

— 𐙚 avatars with Mckenna 𐙚
°• [ 1:1~ 1080 ] •°
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#avatars #MckennaGrace

— 𐙚 scenes with Sadie Sink 𐙚
°• [ 16:9 ~ 1080 ] •°
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#cooking #scenes #SadieSink

25 0 0 26 10

  ࣭  ๋ ˳ ❕БАТЛ ЭДИТОВ❕   ࣭  ๋ ˳

➴ Пᴩᴀʙиᴧᴀ:
⭐️1.ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО быᴛь ᴨᴏдᴨиᴄᴀныʍ нᴀ ʍᴏй ᴛᴇᴧᴇᴦᴩᴀʍʍ ( ᴄᴋᴩин ʙ ᴧᴄ @Schnappxs )

⭐️2.ᴄᴋинуᴛь ϶ᴛᴏᴛ ᴨᴏᴄᴛ ᴋ ᴄᴇбᴇ ʙ ᴛᴇᴧᴇᴦᴩᴀʍʍ ( ᴄᴋᴩин ʙ ᴧᴄ @Schnappxs )

⭐️3.ᴄᴋинуᴛь ᴄʙᴏй ϶диᴛ ʙ ᴋᴏʍʍᴇнᴛᴀᴩии ᴨᴏд ϶ᴛиʍ ᴨᴏᴄᴛᴏʍ

⭐️4.нᴇᴧьɜя ᴏᴛᴨиᴄыʙᴀᴛьᴄя
❕бᴀᴛᴧ будᴇᴛ уᴄᴛᴩᴏᴇн ᴛᴏᴦдᴀ, ᴋᴏᴦдᴀ нᴀбᴇᴩᴇᴛᴄя ᴋᴀᴋ МИНИМУМ 10 ϶диᴛᴏʙ, ʙᴄᴇх жду ❕


— 𐙚 scenes with Jonathan 𐙚
°• [ 16:9 ~ 2К ] •°
➴ if you took our material, put “+” in the comment
#strangerthings #scenes #JonathanByers #S2

27 0 0 57 11

— 𐙚 scenes with Will 𐙚
°• [ 2:1 ~ 4К ] •°
➴ if you took our material, put “+” in the comment
#strangerrhings #scenes #Will #S4

27 0 0 52 12

— 𐙚 scenes with Enola 𐙚
°• [ 2.35:1 ~ 2К ] •°
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#enolaholms2 #scenes #EnolaHolms

31 0 1 83 12

— 𐙚 avatars with Jack Grazer 𐙚
°• [ 1:1~ 1080 ] •°
➴ if you took our material, put “+” in the comment
#avatars #JackGrazer

32 0 0 37 11

— 𐙚 scenes with El and Max 𐙚
°• [ 2:1 ~ 4К ] •°
➴ if you took our material, put “+” in the comment
#strangerthings #scenes #El #Max #S3

28 0 0 40 10

— 𐙚 scenes with Sydney 𐙚
°• [ 16:9 ~ 4К ] •°
➴ if you took our material, put “+” in the comment
#iamnotokaywiththis #scenes #Sydney

28 0 0 254 11

давайте я сделаю батл эдитов с 30 пдп?


— 𐙚 avatars with Sam 𐙚
°• [ 1:1~ 1080 ] •°
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#fearstreet #avatars #Sam

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— 𐙚 moment of Mike and Will's quarrel 𐙚
°• [ 2:1 ~ 1080 ] •°
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#strangerthings #moment #Will #Mike #S3

— 𐙚 scenes with Millie Bobby Brown 𐙚
°• [ 16:9 ~ 1080 ] •°
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#makeup #scenes #MillieBobbyBrown

— 𐙚 avatars with Dustin 𐙚
°• [1:1~ 1080 ] •°
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#strangerthings #avatars #Dustin #S3

Показано 17 последних публикаций.


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