Press Freedom: the Fourth Estate of Hong Kong is since imprisoned
After 1997, neglected their personal safety, journalists in Hong Kong reported countless times the facts about authoritarianism of Chinese Communist regime and since became the enemy of the regime. In 2021, the Chinese Communist regime resorted to National Security Law to arrest the management of Apple Daily and the Stand News, which their operation forcibly ceased.
二零二零年,中共強行於香港訂立國安法,無數為爭取人權民主自由的鬥士被送進政治黑獄,強權於香港橫行霸道,陪份被送進監獄的鬥士到今天仍未得知自己什麽控罪,卻無理地被 剝削人身自由。
After 1997, neglected their personal safety, journalists in Hong Kong reported countless times the facts about authoritarianism of Chinese Communist regime and since became the enemy of the regime. In 2021, the Chinese Communist regime resorted to National Security Law to arrest the management of Apple Daily and the Stand News, which their operation forcibly ceased.
二零二零年,中共強行於香港訂立國安法,無數為爭取人權民主自由的鬥士被送進政治黑獄,強權於香港橫行霸道,陪份被送進監獄的鬥士到今天仍未得知自己什麽控罪,卻無理地被 剝削人身自由。