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6 minutes that will change your life on Telegram FOREVER!
We are showing JUST SOME!!! of the features available, which make TELEGRAM THE BEST SOCIAL WORLDWIDE! (even if people still don't understand that 🤦‍♂️ ...)


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How Telegram search is 💩???! Well, here you can see it EXACTLY!

When they even don't show you @PremiumBot 🤦‍♂️


and start to ban Telegram channels too!
that are even a problem of your 💩 Telegram search feature!

Join Telegram Shareable Chat Folders https://t.me/JoinShareableChatFolders

List of some new Telegram Channels released (after 10.2022, previous channels are not listed) https://t.me/ListTelegramChannels

Scroll to the first post https://t.me/SearchTelegramChannels/1

Do you think that just Telegram search is shit?

Well, think again. Twitter search is 💩 too, both for searching users or posts, like Facebook
https://t.me/DefenceTelegram/339 (both posts and pages!)
YouTube, especially for videos
but TikTok etc. is nothing better too.

And yes, even Google results! like previously reported.

Conclusion: you need to be smart everywhere! since most socials, search engines just show few things! If you don't find it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

Oh Telegram, ...
we released a message about how to search posts with 🧠
because searching on channel at the end is not so bad, even if this could be improved

searching channels IS JUST 💩. YES 💩, SHIT, 💩!

Here we go again with another example, where Telegram show NO SENSE channels to what we are searching.

Why Telegram directories are shit? We already wrote about that

Let we see another example. Looking the picture it means they approved our "all in one" channels, but rejected the single channels, EVEN IF THE ALL IN ONE CHANNEL got approved and CONTAINS the single channels ... Our comment "just idiots..." they do with all topics the same 💩 and many other similar directories do the same shit ...

Army channel with air alert approved, army channel without air alert rejected ...

We saw similar thing 100000x times before, no matter the topic or language ...

Conclusion: like we said multiple times, don't think to find channels on Telegram directories ... since who manage such websites, do it just in shitty ways ...

Just think 🇮🇹, approving porno channels and rejecting decent channels ...

Start to learn how to search channels properly on Telegram @SearchTelegramChannels

We already talked that you need to SLOW DOWN on Telegram.

Let we check this example, where an "i" is making huge difference, even if there are just 3 results at the beginning!

Again, be smart when you search channels!

Telegram search is and remain shit!

Remember that they can hide usernames at all. Even if you purchase Fragment usernames ...

This is an issues available for all type of topics or languages.

Not only because @x is not available and x is not available too, means @x doesn't exist! Write @x in a chat and click that!

Telegram, you are just a shame!
This is just one of tons of examples, how many of our channels (but this happens to everyone, not just us) are not visible at all, depending which app you are using or how you search things. We already reported multiple times such issue. This is getting just worse and worse. They prefer to show tons of bullshit porn / illegal / spam channels, instead of legit channels.

As we wrote you previously too, we are very sad that all our usernames are still blocked, that you haven't approved as verified any of our channels.

We are really disappointed how Telegram is just managed by people that simply give a shit to issues and important things, preferring to release an useless Stories feature for the 10 years, instead of fixing and implementing important things that could make Telegram an unique social network.

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We already reported on @SearchTelegramChannels that you need to use at least Telegram Stable / Beta and Telegram Desktop to search channels. Is now enough? NOPE! You even need to use multiple Telegram Desktop apps, so you can get different results!

If you get rejection in your life, no matter what, do you quit so easily? So why do you give up your hopes immediately on Telegram. Remember that the alphabet starts with A and ends with Z. So good luck searching for new channels!

Writing something randomly on Telegram makes no sense, you need to know how Telegram really works! In this example it is enough that the channel contains a special character to get 0 results. You must always search at least 2 times: 1) joined words 2) separate words

As you maybe know, Pavel started to sell @, which is still a good idea (even to support Telegram), except that he did not in a regular way, by stealing multiple @ previously. Except the fact that is pretty ridiculous using such behaviours and excluding countries from such website, don't think that this will improve quality of Telegram! A lot other problems are available: bad and limited search feature with incorrect and spamming results, wrong way to approve Telegram verified channels, spamming / fraud channels and users are still online, username issue is not fixed at all (and in future this will get even worse with a new feature Pavel will introduce), batch username creation just to sell the @ later (or for other spamming goals) was already available previously and now with the "buy and sell" feature it will just get worse, etc. Money is not synonym of quality; all depends from the owners who manage such channels.
Conclusion: Telegram should really focus on serious problems and not just thinking "if we sell usernames, people will create better content", which is just bullshit (done in a incorrect way too). Most people (except us and few others) they haven't done that with the free username channels too. To be honest usernames are not free, because in reality every created Telegram username costs around 0.5 - 3$ or more, without considering eventually money you need to pay to keep it active ...

Be like Fast&Furious doesn't make ANY sense on Telegram. Slow down and make various searches just by searching the same words! You will probably find even channels not related to your original search.

Using synonyms is one of the most important aspect when you search on Telegram (or better everywhere!)

💥💥New Telegram Channels💥💥

Everyone has the right do do what he wants, so it's up to you if you prefer to be like the mass of people or to be a smart person.

Telegram sometimes is just fucking idiot. If you cannot find a channel, even after writing "@username", this doesn't mean the channel doesn't exist. You need to write a normal message with "@username" and click on such link.

TikTok and Telegram are pretty the same: 1) you can have TikTok on Telegram, by having a general better experience on Telegram (obviously you cannot check related song videos directly on Telegram ...) 2) both have a bad search feature, even if still less shitty than Instagram. Currently TikTok implemented it on TikTok Desktop, but the feature still remains huge limited 3) both can be used directly on the browser. Most other smartphones social network don't directly offer that. Snapchat added such support few days ago. 4) due to issue 2 and issues related to a bad TikTok AI, that works (if this works...) generally only on likes, you can have a really bad TikTok experience, complaining that on TikTok there are just shit videos (which is right, especially now after they increased the video duration to up to 10 min). Without a proper search you will not find good contents (and obviously we don't mean most liked videos ...) 5) both socials have a low ban quote, even if TikTok has more than Telegram and in the last time they even started to increase that, especially after the war 6) both socials, near YouTube, are the future. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit still remain the king for searching infos/medias.

A true story happened few months ago. Telegram directories admins are racists. Same identical channels, just with different languages, get rejected and banned with no sense from their directories. Same happens for other channels, made always by the same creator, just about different topics. Few get randomly approved, other get randomly banned. So don't trust Telegram directories and don't think this is an alternative way to find channels. Few directories don't approve any type of channels at all, just those who pay for that.

If you don't use the right search methods, you will never find channels on Telegram

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