Sensible Catholicism

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Репост из: K

Don't criticize people when they are objectively wrong - it's essentially the same as violent dismemberment. Nonsense! How prideful we are, that we think we are above being called out for our wrongdoings. It doesn't matter who is criticizing you, if you're wrong, cop it!

A priest warns young men and women about fruitless in-laws, in his piece "Marriage Before and After":

"Your thoughtless yarn or insinuating remark, like the stone flung into the lake, may send ripples of discord far and wide over a hitherto peaceful and blissfully happy surface. Beware! And don’t you forget either that you must answer to God for this sin and its consequences."

- Fr. Robert Nash, S.J., Marriage Before and After, 1952

The Church is not a playground for spoonfed princes and princesses.

The Church is God's, and He wills for the salvation of souls, through our cooperation with His graces.

The next blog post will be about "cultural Catholicism" - exploring how the culture surrounding traditionalist communities has been permeated by the world.

This is rather different to how Catholic Rome, in its earlier centuries - with all its decadence, was able to permeate the secular culture and cause mass scale conversions, with a certain name coming to mind - the great st Jerome, the man who converted to Catholicism after an indulgent youth, and went on to translate the Latin Vulgate. His assistance to the pope of that time allowed for the only Church approved translation of the Bible.

Unfortunately for many cradle Catholics, their attitudes towards converts is seemingly one of suspicion and hostility; a lack of exhortation, encouragement, and even warranted rebukes - in their pride and isolationism they forget the worth of a good convert, and ironically (and most hypocritcally) appear to lead rather worldly lives themselves. This indocility through intemperance is a product of the 60's, namely the baby boomer generation, and a lack of discipline for youth and adolescents following it.

It is so obvious and so appalling, that I believe if someone resembling st Jerome, st Paul, or st Augustine were to exist today, the indolent, indocile cradle Catholics would shun them at best, and crucify them at worst. The emotional and financial investment of families and those who have grown up in the faith do not allow them the sense of superiority I believe some so readily maintain.

The blog post will also explore the faults and attitudes of converts, and how the distinction between cradle Catholics and converts is only made by us modern faithful, and how the isolationist, obnoxious, indolent and indocile attitudes are not at all supported by Sacred Scriptures - namely the Gospels and the epistles.

Репост из: K

On suffering, sin, and demons - St Teresa of Avila, St Mary Magdalene, St Alphonsus Liguori, Machiavelli

A letter from St Ignatius of Loyola to an aristocrat, Jerome Vines.

A pleasant reminder, one we can all gain from.

When I get some spare time, I spend many hours across the road from here. I only noticed this beautiful statue of our Lady very recently, situated in this old apartment complex carpark. There are no signs anywhere, nor any indicator of the history of the site.

If you haven't already, check out the blog. I will begin writing again very soon. A priest is overseeing it (as far as I know, he has subscribed), so that I might not begin to be too original, or say something contrary to faith and morals.

That being said, if any of my fellow laypeople have any thoughts or constructive criticism, I'd be glad to hear it.

St Teresa of Avila on her father's death:

"...Distressed as I was, I forced myself to be active; and though in losing him I was losing all the good and comfort of my life - for he was all that to me - and I was so determined not to show him my grief that I behaved to the end as if I felt none at all. But I felt as if my soul were being torn from my body when I saw his life depart, for I was very fond of him. The Lord must be praised for the death that he died. Not only did he welcome death, but he gave us worthy advice after receiving Extreme Unction. He urged us to recommend his soul to God, to pray God to have mercy on him, and always serve Him, remembering that all things come to an end..."

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