🤖 Rise of the machines, or what? Probably, but not so fast.
Recently, a human beat AI. Developers created Freysa, an AI with a mission: never transfer money. Anyone could pay a fee to try convincing Freysa to give up her funds. If they succeeded, they won it all; if not, the fee went into the prize pool. Each attempt got pricier.
After 482 tries from 195 participants, Freysa finally agreed to transfer $47,000.
Maybe humanity’s not doomed after all?
Recently, a human beat AI. Developers created Freysa, an AI with a mission: never transfer money. Anyone could pay a fee to try convincing Freysa to give up her funds. If they succeeded, they won it all; if not, the fee went into the prize pool. Each attempt got pricier.
After 482 tries from 195 participants, Freysa finally agreed to transfer $47,000.
Maybe humanity’s not doomed after all?