𖤝ㅤㅤ < 7rings regulations >
i. before buying proofneeds here, make sure you have subscribed to this store so you don't miss information.
ii. after subscribing, please send the order form to the contact which is implemented correctly and in detail so that there are no order errors.
iii. after sending the order form, one of the admins will come to your chat-room to claim your order. then an initial payment will be made to avoid hit n run or online fraud.
iv. before sending the format, you must ensure that the contents of the format are correct so that we don't make mistakes in your order ׂ ᜔
v. we only accept payments in the form of { funds / qriss +10p } ᜔○
vi. Once payment is received, the order will be executed immediately. if there are a few problems, we will provide information to you first so you don't misunderstand.
vii. prohibited from using our 7rings store / payment / name in fraudulent actions, we will give you a fine of 500,000,00IDR or 500 thousand rupiah ׂ ᜔○
more @metallzica
i. before buying proofneeds here, make sure you have subscribed to this store so you don't miss information.
ii. after subscribing, please send the order form to the contact which is implemented correctly and in detail so that there are no order errors.
iii. after sending the order form, one of the admins will come to your chat-room to claim your order. then an initial payment will be made to avoid hit n run or online fraud.
iv. before sending the format, you must ensure that the contents of the format are correct so that we don't make mistakes in your order ׂ ᜔
v. we only accept payments in the form of { funds / qriss +10p } ᜔○
vi. Once payment is received, the order will be executed immediately. if there are a few problems, we will provide information to you first so you don't misunderstand.
vii. prohibited from using our 7rings store / payment / name in fraudulent actions, we will give you a fine of 500,000,00IDR or 500 thousand rupiah ׂ ᜔○
more @metallzica