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Shar yorish sharti❤️

Tadbirda qatnashganib,zavqlanganlar izohda yozingchi fikrizni

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STAKAN sharti❤️

Tadbirda qatnashganib,zavqlanganlar izohda yozingchi fikrizni

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A happy New Year party with us❤️

Nechta like bularkan 100 ta qila olamizmi?❤️

The Decoration time

Like bosing endi😂


A scientist who showed that the placebo effect can be abolished by a drug,naloxone which blocks the effects of endorphins


Naloxone,a drug that blocks endorphins,can eliminate the placebo effect for pain relief.

True/False/Not Given






Don’t give up! Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion!

(To'g'rimi? Nima deb o'ylaysiz)

Over the last few decades, our lifestyle has been significantly influenced by the internet. I do believe that it has positively contributed to quick access to information, while negatively affecting face-to-face communication,as exemplified by Qatar and Japan relatively.

The relationship between the internet access and our lifestyles remains stable.One primary reason why we have been positively affected by the Internet is the quick access to download information from the Internet.In other words, we can have enough information about any topic easily by connecting to the Internet when we need data.Consequently,such a process not only minimizes time expenditure but also fosters better relations within the community.For instance,Qatar has achieved the highest internet speed according to the statistics in 2024 and does not face the connection problems.Additionally,it allows people from all over the world to communicate and collaborate.To explain,it may be a powerful platform for meaningful connections across the world and personal growth If people use it responsibly.

Nonetheless,it has a negative impact on our lives by reducing  face-to-face interaction.One obvious reason for the negative effect of the Internet is to reduce the possibility of personal relationships.In turn,Overuse of online platforms can make face-to-face communication unnecessary.A nation like Japan is known for having less face-to-face conversation compared to other cultures due to their busy lifestyles related to the Internet.This  negative aspect dimishes to face each other.In my opinion,it is crucial for everybody to use the internet mindfully.

In conclusion,although the Internet offers numerous advantages such as accessibility to information and global connectivity, its negative sides cannot be neglected.It is crucial for us  not only to  maximum the advantages but also to minimize its potential drawbacks.

(Evening activity)

I think 6.5 score in writing

Репост из: Shahzod IELTS
Mana shu linkga kirib Sayliyeva Guliro'za ustozga ovoz bering.

(Sinfdoshim bo'ladi Registon o'quv markazi Qo'yliq filialida Matematika Fizika ustoz bo'lib faoliyat yuritadilar)👍👍

Qani go 500ta ovoz qilib beraylik😊

Oldindan rahmat😉

Репост из: Gulro'za Ixtiyorovna

Assalomu alaykum ustoz barchasi uchun rahmat sizga 🥰🥹Siz tufayli shu darajaga erishdim.🥹Olloh sizdan rozi bulsin🤲 Ustoz martabangizni bundanda ulug' bulsin .Har doim encourage ,support qilib turdiz. Hattoki yaqin insonlarim ishonmadila siz lekin har doim olasiz sizni ham qulizdan keladi B2 daraja dedingiz. Alhamdulillah barchasi uchun yetqazgani uchun 🥹Tugrisini aytganda juda qurqardim topshirishdan imtihonga. Gramatikam juda past edi lekin siz tufayli ancha yaxshi buldi😊 Birinchi kelganimda sizni reading tarjima qilish qobiliyatingiz , uziz aytgandek halol tarjima qilishni o'rgatdingiz.Bir kuni sezdim ustoz qaniydi 51 bulsa ham olsaydinglar dedingiz . Juda kup harakat qildiz ustoz ✅biz o'quvchilariz uchun qishmi yozmi farqi yuq. Hatto sog'lig'izga ham e'tibor bermadiz vaqti kelganda💯✅ Olloh har doim qo'llab quvvatlasin🤲 Martabangiz bundanda ulug' bulsin har doim o'quvchilarizni natijalarini quvoning. Ustoz shak -shubhasiz Allah suygan insonlardansiz har tomonlama🥰Ustoz sizdek teaching lik qilishni nasib qilsin🤲 InshaAllah sizdek me ham qiynalganlarga ilm yo'lidagi insonlarga yordam beraman💯😊 Ilohim ota - onangiz va yaqin insonlariz baxtiga sog' bo'ling🤲🥰shu qatorida biz o'quvchilarizni ham. Barcha niyatlarizga erishing step by step💯Kelajakdagi hayotingiz chiroyli va baxtli kunlardan iborat bulsin yangam bilan🤲😊 Hayotiz quvonchli kunlardan iborat bulsin .Yana bir bora Thank you teacher for all of them🥹 Ilm -u ziyo ma'muriyatiga cheksiz minnatdorchilik bildiraman rahmat hammasi uchun. Olloh rozi bulsin


Overall B2 57✅✅✅


Listening 65 C1

637 0 9 11 34

Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳

Overall 51 B2✅✅✅

Her certificate 👍

His certificate👍

Bizda 2-natija

Choriyev Shaxriyor

Overall 53 B2✅✅✅

Malades Shahriyor,ishonchni oqladiz🥰

Davom etamizmi???....😉

Congratulations 🥳🥳

Feruza Qo'ldosheva

Overall 51 B2 daraja ✅✅✅


Eng birinchi natijalar O'zbekiston bo'yicha bizda👍🥰

571 0 10 1 23

U judayam ta’sirchan
  •   She is so sensible
  •   She is so sensitive
139 голосов

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