Sociology mentorship

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With Work experience in sociology Mentorship

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Репост из: Sociology mentorship
Do you Wana us to make your time table to finish your socio optional on time plus regular cross-check Bcz laziness is drowning you in this cold Note- free of cost
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173 голосов

Not against any party or ideology
But connect with concept of communalism paper 2..
In short Communalism = religious plus politics

Use as example but don't quote any party name

More use
9.. Weber stratification theory - role of status as it will improve the status
10 . Deceased stigma for having a girl ... reduction in selective sex abortion

Good news for women emancipation and empowerment use in many parts of the your sociology
1 . Use in example of feature of modernity - women identify by their name - same can be used in changes in the family due to modernisation or urbanisation
2.. correlate with Emile Durkheim social fact contact - name plate in girls name is just a social current still not a social fact
3.. talcott parson social system- women education demanding their due rights it brought social strain in old patriarchal cultural system so subparts are adjusting to be in moving equilibrium
4. Mead - self and society - pyq - self and society are twice born - here u can correlate how individuals ( self ) changing the society
5. Gender socialisation
6. Social change topics.. how law or regulation helping to bring social change as it was a drive of the local government for name plate on the girl name
7. Use in reduction in rigid patriarchy
8 . Use in entitlement - as drive is to increase awareness about the rights and ownership among women

Try to relate it with upper middle class and their role

1. Dipankar Gupta- Indian middle class represent the mistake modernity not playing role in modernization of society - they are demanding for their postal voting rights but not for poor migrants worker postal voting rights
2. State is a capitalist representative - listening to only upper rich class

Happy to help students
#sociology mentorship

Wider participation
New social movements - new farmer movements

Репост из: Upsc DIAGRAMS ( Champions camp)
Socialism in just 3 words
#Ethics batch

Happy to help new students
#sociology mentorship

Guys do you want current affair in daily pdf form or just cutting and explanation as we did earlier
  •   Cutting and explanation
  •   Pdf form
88 голосов

Happy to help students
#sociology mentorship

Example of modernity co existing with tradition

Репост из: Sociology mentorship
Do you Wana us to make your time table to finish your socio optional on time plus regular cross-check Bcz laziness is drowning you in this cold Note- free of cost
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173 голосов

Mentorship is going on still on Sunday
Happy to help new students
#sociology mentorship

Good article to use in y singh breakdown of modernity

... Bureaucratisation but not universal Values
Still partial modernity

Failure of formal agents of socialisation ...
Impact of technology on the social change

Very good article on
1. Social problem of Slums
2. Relationship between Slum and caste
3 . Partial modernity

Use in Q problems of urban and Rural Dalits
Ambedkar view on the cities and Rural areas - village are place of hopeless
True by data of income but critic also as segregation on particular place

Use of Gs ghurye Slums are place of despair hopelessness
Y singh - slums do have problems but have hope

Use in question of social exclusion and deprivation

Ar Desai - failure of welfare state to ensure justice
L. Dumont - Indian society is based on hierarchy even the cities so India can never modernise

Also connect with tonnies Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft - both co existing
Parson pattern variable

Репост из: Sociology mentorship
Do you Wana us to make your time table to finish your socio optional on time plus regular cross-check Bcz laziness is drowning you in this cold Note- free of cost
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173 голосов

Note - Guys who have filled the mentorship call
Many of u have not filled the right name in the section name as per telegram so we are not able to find you
Please fill the right name
All will get call don't worry just we have many inflow

We are happy to help you all

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