you need to prepare for December
2024, because in December 2024
we will exit the seven-year transition period that began in
2017. money leaf this money leaf as it is called contains dust plasma and cosmic radiation and this drops a magnetic field on the earth, cosmic rays or energy rays also known as light codes as many channelers call them, they mutate and affect our DNA and cause us to ascend as a species if we tap into these cosmic energies and you do this by finding certain places where the ley lines meet to meditate and pray together to achieve heart resonance, you will tap into these ascension energies that will cause you to become more telepathic, more intuitive, more empathic and more heart centered and you will be able to discern the lies from the truth and that is what they fear the most. Imagine what would happen to all the corrupt systems if
everyone just came together in truth
and harmony, they would automatically
collapse, they don't want that to happen,
and in December 2024, all
of these ley lines
will vibrate in harmony
all year long.
This is a powerful round, which means
all year long people can come together
and enter into heart resonance. People
will come together to collectively
and evolve. Align your life to be more
aligned with your true
soul signature. Start working with your
frequency. Start joining communities.
It's happening, these are the times we
came here for...
@danica ...walker