Pie n Mash Squad

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Right wing image and news sharing channel feel free to lift stuff. No white privilege here mate 5w 14w

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And it's virtually forgotten about by the public. 😥

Репост из: Cant Zuck Us
Nearly 7 years ago today. 2 men beheaded British soldier Lee Rigby. In London. In London...


I can't tell those pics apart. It's two fat cows mate

Those posters are brilliant.

Репост из: Traditional Britain Group
UK-based black organisations unite to try to stop the deportation of foreign black criminals to their countries of origin.

A Fifth Column advancing a black and not a British agenda


Репост из: Hundred-Handers
They did two!

Репост из: GALLIA DAILY | Voice of France
🇫🇷👱🏻‍♂️French nationalists paying tribute to 1934 heroes

🙏🏻As seen is this original post of @OuestCasual, French nationalists gathered to pay tribute to the fallen ones of February 1934.

💣1934, France is suffering of the Great Depression. Veterans are losing their jobs, families are broken, profiteers are making money from all of this, and the republican regime is doing nothing.

💰Two cases are erupting : the Panama case, and the Stavisky case. In which prominent Jewish bankers, helped by free-mason of the Parliament, stole dozen of billions of dollars.

💥 In February 1934, the Leagues, an informal group composed of around 2 millions Veterans and nationalists, march on Paris. They want to protest the Republic and seize power.

☠️ But the police open fire on government order. 20 nationalists are killed, 2000 are wounded. The Leagues are dissolved. It failed. Socialists declare the state of emergency.

"The republican elites are governing bad, but defending well"
(Maurras, leader of AF League)

Репост из: Hundred-Handers
Ipswich, UK. We’d estimate it must by around 1.5x2.5m! Salute to whoever did it, absolute mad lads.😂


Репост из: Hundred-Handers
Unknown, UK. One for Madfwaz who recommended vandalising sheep (?) on Patriotic Talk

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