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💌 @high4u – order
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Репост из: CHERRY KiDDiE!
Knock knock! A message from the postman has arrived in front of your door. 📮💭

[To all of our mutuals, can you do us a little favor by forwarding this message to your channel, please? Much obliged!]

Hey, have you heard of the dainty damsels? 💭 They are known as CHERRY KIDDIE and they brings joy for those who seeks it! And.. CHERRY KIDDIE is OPENING THEIR THIRD BATCH on Saturday, 25 June 2022. 19.00 WIB! Check out their majestic treats, and let yourself feast on the sight. CHERRY KIDDIE is the best place to go if you're looking for dreamy felicitous profneeds, such as icons, commision art, and full of love. Don't miss out this chance, grab your ticket fast to have the nice sweet viands delicacies! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭♡


special for my one and only han sohee @soheehaan ♥️💐

tebak mana yang pacaran terus mana yang adik-kakak?

hi-hello murries! aku minta tolong bangett kedepan nya untuk responsible terhadap pekerjaan aku yaa. feel free to give me criticism or suggestion to make my work better than before. dalam artian untuk tetap kasih feedback terhadap results yang sudah aku beri yaa. tolong untuk balas atau sekedar beri react dan isi rolling paper yang sudah aku cantumkan pada saat pengiriman results. banyak banget clients ku yang ngga baca pesanku pada saat aku kirim results padahal mereka aktif. aku tau mungkin memang chat aku tenggelam atau memang nggak terbaca sama client ku. tapi, aku tetap minta tolong untuk check akunku: @tapesouls atau @high4u, yaa! karena memang nggak sedikit clients ku ‘ghosting’ saat aku kasih results. it’s totally fine if there are any major or minor revisions! biar sama-sama enak juga. sebelumnya maaf kalau kesan nya kurang sopan, aku tau clients-ku bayar untuk commission ini, kok. tapi, tolong untuk hargai para creator yang meluangkan waktunya untuk memproses pesanan kalian, terlebih untuk rush order; deadline jam 10 malam tapi dibalas jam 3 sore.. jadi tolong kerja sama nya yaaa murries. terima kasih banyak! ^___^

the wait has met its edge, time to cheer the onslaught of the ebullient threshold where your needs are well-accommodated is descending right now! back in operation by serving you all sorts and needs according to your preferences, your beloved artisan will satisfy your wish! after comprehending the applicable rules, please send your form through her chamber. do ask for her availability in advance regarding customized orders and please be patient! ‘tis a sunny day to salute you, don’t miss this vacancy!

ꕤ. [the artisan behind this chamber is bequeathing gratitude upon you!]

fondness and excitement are needed on a later voyage. any sort of relishing it is more than priceless itself; couldn’t be written in all latitudes of phraseology, could not be defined in every prosecution or physical pattern of an object, nor could not it be depicted in the contours and hues of art. to recollect it pristinely, presents are needed as one of the choices. delight news has been uttered, @ssahmura is back for operation on the 8th of july 2022 at 08.00 AM! packing a special present in the form of masterful manips from the aptitude of her own heartily, all dreams will come true within her grasp! comprehending the terms and conditions before picking up your favorite within the listed catalog is necessary! make yourself comfortable before surfing further into the undeniable charm of @ssahmura!

after going through a fairly long process. we finally held a spectacular giveaway and gave a lot of surprises, for all of you. we’re very proud to announce the good news that we will have so many miracles. make sure to read our rules and regulations first before joining us:

i. must be subscribe to @ssahmura first!
ii. forward this message to your channel or your group.
iii. drop your lucky number (1-100). pastikan nomer keberuntungan kamu belum di-drop sama orang lain.
vi. this event will be starting on 01 june until 02 june 2022.
vii. ongkos kirim ditanggung pemenang (saran checkout ditanggal kembar)

✧. 1st winner: AR isa & sua unconcious b ver.
✧. 2nd winner: eunha lenti
✧. 3rd winner: sua unconcious a ver.
✧. 4th winner: sheon unconcious a ver.
✧. 5th winner: sheon tscac soul ver.
extras: manips (half body/selfie), saldo dana 5.000 (2), and dana kaget 10.000 (2 slots)

quick notes: close bisa dipercepat jika sudah mencapai 50 peserta giveaway.

sublime creators.
since, 2022.

some frankly speaking from them to us stored and neatly organized in this archive, filled with honesty and complete praise from others without the slightest element of cheating.

Name + username: *do not change until i send the preview*
Backup account: *optional things*

The pairing:
Additional request:
Extra notes:
Payment: (DANA/QRIS)

ps: don’t forget to put the specific deadline for in rush order (format WIB) on additional requests, send your form through @high4u

windblast of the city shrouds e’ry nacreous building and the waves of brine under pyrexia of customizing edit cackle-chortle withal sweet splashes filled shoreline, joie de vivre va-doomed with warm love phonated. running away from frantic thoughts thus forsaking traces of footprints. hark back to the fact in holiness start from 5.000 IDR. ♥︎

ps: it’s suited for you who want to design their manips specifically! we accept for the photobooth, photoshoot, polaroid, dreams come true (rl x idol), etc.

windblast of the city shrouds e’ry nacreous building and the waves of brine under pyrexia of group manips cackle-chortle withal sweet splashes filled shoreline, joie de vivre va-doomed with warm love phonated. running away from frantic thoughts thus forsaking traces of footprints. hark back to the fact in holiness start from 3.000 IDR/head. ♥︎

ps: max. 4 heads

windblast of the city shrouds e’ry nacreous building and the waves of brine under pyrexia of half-body manips cackle-chortle withal sweet splashes filled shoreline, joie de vivre va-doomed with warm love phonated. running away from frantic thoughts thus forsaking traces of footprints. hark back to the fact in holiness 7.000 IDR. ♥︎

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