Репост из: Swig
To everyone new to Telegram, it is a bit confusing but I will try to explain it. Think of Telegram as a texting tool similar to whatsapp. You can text individuals on here just like how you regularly do on your cell phone. There are also CHANNELS and GROUPS.
Channels are like this one, where only the admins can publish, like I am doing right now. Channels are similar to how a Twitter account works.
GROUPS are basically like CHAT ROOMS or COMMENT SECTIONS. Groups can be independent, or tied to a Channel where followers of an influencer or brand can comment and discuss posts made on a Channel.
I hope this makes it easier to use and understand!
Channels are like this one, where only the admins can publish, like I am doing right now. Channels are similar to how a Twitter account works.
GROUPS are basically like CHAT ROOMS or COMMENT SECTIONS. Groups can be independent, or tied to a Channel where followers of an influencer or brand can comment and discuss posts made on a Channel.
I hope this makes it easier to use and understand!