String Theory & Holography

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کانال رسمی گروه ریسمان و هولوگرافی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

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Strings 2024 Session: "The Future of String Theory: 100 Open Questions"

مجموعه صد سوال باز در بخش‌های مختلف نظریه ریسمان که از طرف برخی متخصصان مطرح شده و راهنمایی‌ برای جواب دادن به این سوالات.

Link: Here

با سلام و عرض تبریک به مناسبت میلاد امام رضا (ع) و عرض تسلیت به مناسبت شهادت رییس جمهور و تیم همراه ایشان

جلسه سخنرانی دکتر رسولیان به دوشنبه 21 خرداد 1403 ساعت 14 موکول شد و امروز جلسه سخنرانی و یا همچنین ژورنال کلاب نخواهیم داشت.

با تشکر

🔹 Next seminar session 🔹

🔶 Title: Null brane quantization

👩🏻‍🏫 Presenter: Ida Rasoulian (IPM)

🕰 Time & Date: 14:00 IRST - 20 May 2024 - 10 June 2024

📍Location: Online - Participation Link

📄 Abstract: We study the null brane and its quantization. We show that there are 2 important constraint classes. One is the extension of the level-matching constraint to the brane case. The other constraint, which is specific to the brane is more involved and poses the main source of difficulty in quantizing the null brane. We have found three classes of physical states, depending on their eigenvalues under a level-matching operator, that can satisfy the constraints. The trivial one constitutes zero-eigenstates of the level-matching operator, which we call Class-1. We show that this class trivially satisfies the brane-sourced constraint as well as level-matching. There exists another, more involved and interesting class of states that are not zero-eigenstates of the level-matching operators. We study their structure and also describe how we can satisfy the brane-sourced constraint for these states.
More Information

🔶🔵Title:  Resolving Angular Momentum Flux Non-Invariance in 4D Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes

Reza Javadi Nejad (New York University)

🕰Time & Date: 14:‌00 IRST - 06 May 20‌24

📍Location: Online

📄Abstract:  The Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group is the asymptotic symmetry group of asymptotically flat spacetimes in 4D. After briefly introducing this group, I will discuss the angular momentum problem. Following an overview of possible solutions, I will present the primary issue that will be addressed in this talk: the non-invariance of the angular momentum flux. The flux of angular momentum is a quantity that is significant from both a theoretical and a numerical perspective. Theoretically, it's important to eliminate ambiguity in the definition of the flux, while in simulations, it has a direct impact on the results. I will conclude by outlining the solution to this problem.

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Репост из: ا. علمی فیزیک
🔥انجمن علمی فیزیک دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد برگزار می‌کند🔥

⚜️کارگاه آموزش نرمافزار متمتیکا⚜️

📌هر پنجشنبه از ۶ اردیبهشت تا ۱۰ خرداد
🔗به صورت مجازی در بستر اسکای‌روم

💠با ارائه و تدریس:
👤آرش جمشیدی
👤یوسف صادقی

📃همراه با اعطای گواهی معتبر انجمن علمی فیزیک دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

💳هزینه شرکت در دوره: ۱۵۹ هزارتومن
‼️ظرفیت محدود‼️

جهت ثبت نام به اکانت روابط عمومی انجمن علمی فیزیک مراجعه کنید.


سال نو مبارک

Репост из: ا. علمی فیزیک
🔹سلسله سخنرانی‌های هفتگی با محوریت معرفی گرایش‌های رشته فیزیک🔹

📌این جلسه:
▫️گرایش ذرات بنیادی و نظریه‌ی میدان‌ها ▫️

👤با سخنرانی دکتر حمیدرضا افشار، عضو هیئت علمی گروه فیزیک

🗓چهارشنبه ۲۳ اسفند ماه

🆔 @Physics_um
🆔 @OlomFum
🆔 @ssafum

⁉️از گرایش ذرات بنیادی و نظریه‌ی میدان‌ها چی می‌دونی؟💬

🔹سلسله سخنرانی‌های هفتگی با محوریت معرفی گرایش‌های رشته فیزیک🔹

📌این جلسه:
▫️آشوب کوانتومی و گرانش▫️

👤با سخنرانی دکتر حمیدرضا افشار، عضو هیئت علمی گروه فیزیک

🗓چهارشنبه ۲۳ اسفند ماه
🕛زمان: ساعت ۱۲
📍مکان: دانشکده علوم، تالار سعادت

🆔 @Physics_um
🆔 @OlomFum
🆔 @ssafum

Репост из: رصدخانه ملی ایران| Iranian National Observatory (INO)
🌸🌱 ثبت نام کنفرانس بهاره فیزیک پژوهشگاه دانشهای بنیادی (IPM) آغاز شد.

پژوهشگاه دانش‌های بنیادی، سی و یکمین کنفرانس بهاره فیزیک را در تاریخ 26 اردیبهشت 1403 به صورت آنلاین (برخط) برگزار می‌کند.

این کنفرانس با هدف گرد هم آوردن محققان فعال در تمامی حوزه های فیزیک نظری و تجربی در گرایش های مختلف برگزار می شود. علاقه مندان می توانند مقالات پژوهشی اصلی خود را ارسال کنند که در قالب پوستر در کنفرانس ارائه خواهد شد. البته لازم به ذکر است به جهت برگزاری انلاین این کنفرانس ثبت نام و حضور برای دیگر علاقه مندان هم امکان پذیر است.

برای آگاهی بیشتر به نشانی زیر وارد شوید و اقدام به ثبت نام نمایید.


⚠️ آخرین مهلت ثبت نام: 23 اردیبهشت 1403 (مطابق با 12 می 2024 )

📌آخرین مهلت ارسال چکیده: 19 اردیبهشت 1403 (مطابق با 8 می 2024)

📅 تاریخ برگزاری: 26 اردیبهشت 1403 (15 می 2024)

🔺هزینه ثبت نام، با حمایت پژوهشگاه دانشهای بنیادی رایگان است.

کمیته برگزاری سی و یکمین کنفرانس بهاره فیزیک پژوهشگاه دانشهای بنیادی (IPM)

Репост из: Theoretical_Physics
School of Particles and Accelerators
Theory Weekly Seminar / Hybrid Format

Sunday, March 10, 2024 / یکشنبه، 20 اسفند 1402

15:00 - 16:00 (Tehran time)

Prof. Mohsen Alishahiha

School of Physics, IPM

Complexity and thermalization

Title in Persian:

پیچیدگی و به حالت گرمایی رسیدن

In this blackboard talk, I will explore certain features of complexity in the context of Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis.

Meeting Place: Seminar Room, School of Particles and Accelerators, IPM
Link to Join Virtually:

🔸 Next Seminar Session 🔸

🔹Title: A review of some number theoretic methods in scattering amplitude of string theory

🧑🏻‍🏫 Presenter: Mehregan Doroudiani (The Max Planck Institute)

🕰 Time & Date: 14:‌00 IRST - 15 January 20‌2‌4 - 2‌5 D‌ay 1‌402

📍Location: Online

📋 Abstract:  In this talk, we review certain concepts in number theory that aid in exploring the low-energy expansion of string amplitude. We see the significant role of the generating series of Multiple Zeta Values (MZVs) in string amplitude. The primary focus of the talk will be on massless strings at the tree level. However, time permitting, we will also discuss one-loop amplitudes.

School of Particles and Accelerators Wednesday Weekly Seminar / Hybrid format

Date: Wednesday, Jan 10, 2024 / چهارشنبه، 20 دی 1402 Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Tehran time)

Speaker: Mr. Behrad Taghavi

Affiliation: School of Particles and Accelerators, IPM

Title: Classical Liouville Action and Uniformization of Orbifold Riemann Surfaces: A Geometric Approach to Classical Correlation Functions of Branch Point Vertex Operators

Title in Persian:
کنش کلاسیکی لیوویل و یکنواختسازی اُربیسطوح ریمانی: رهیافت هندسی به مطالعه توابع همبستگی کلاسیکی عملگرهای ورتکس متناظر با نقاط شاخهای

Abstract: In this talk, based on arXiv:2310.17536, we will study the classical Liouville field theory on Riemann surfaces of genus g>1 in the presence of vertex operators associated with branch points of orders mi>1. In particular, classical correlation functions of branch point vertex operators on a closed Riemann surface is related to the on-shell value of Liouville action functional on the same Riemann surface but with the insertion of conical points (of angles 2pi/mi) at the location of these operators. With this motivation, and using the results of arXiv:1508.02102 and arXiv:1701.00771, we will study the appropriate classical Liouville action on a Riemann orbisurface using the Schottky global coordinates. Additionally, classical limit of conformal Ward identities motivates us to study the first and second variations of this action on the Schottky deformation space of Riemann orbisurfaces. In this way, we are able to show that the appropriately defined classical Liouville action is a Kähler potential for a special combination of Weil-Petersson and Takhtajan-Zograf metrics which appear in the local index theorem for Riemann orbisurfaces (see arXiv:1701.00771). The obtained results can then be interpreted in terms of the complex geometry of Hodge line bundle equipped with Quillen’s metric over the moduli space of Riemann orbisurfaces. Indico Link:

Meeting Place: Seminar Room, School of Particles and Accelerators, IPM

Link to Join Virtually:

School of Particles and Accelerators Theory Weekly Seminar / Virtual Format

Date: Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 / پنجشنبه، 21 دی 1402 Time: 17:30 PM-18:30 PM (Tehran time)

Speaker: Mr. Keivan Namjou

Affiliation: Department of Physics, McGill University

Title: Liouville theory and the Weil–Petersson geometry of moduli space

Title in Persian:
نظریه لیوویل و هندسه ویل_پیترسون فضای ماژولی

Abstract: Conformal field theory is a powerful tool in the study of geometry, with applications ranging from mirror symmetry to spectral theory and quantum chaos. Liouville theory is a specific conformal field theory that provides a natural means to study the Weil–Petersson geometry of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. In the semiclassical limit, the Liouville path integral computes the Kähler potential, giving access to the metric and associated geometric quantities. In this talk, I will review Liouville theory, the geometry of hyperbolic surfaces and their moduli space, and explain how the study of Liouville theory in the semiclassical limit allows us to describe these geometries.

Link to Join Virtually:

🔸 Next Journal Club Session 🔸

🔹Title: Character preservation property of matrix model

🧑🏻‍🏫 Presenter: Pedram Karimi (Warsaw University)

🕰 Time: 14:‌00 IRST - Monday 18 & 25 December 20‌23
(27 Azar & 04 Day 1402)

📍Location: Ferdowsi University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Administration Room

📋 Abstract: Our intention of solving a quantum field theory generally aims to find multi-point functions. In rare cases, we can solve the theory exactly. In all these cases, theories with exact solutions have sets of additional symmetries. The theory of random matrices, as a zero-dimensional field theory, can be solved precisely because of such symmetries. The theory of random matrices is not only solvable, but the solution can be rewritten in a compact form based on special functions, and characters. Such relations, which are known as superintegrability, have their roots in representation theory.
In this lecture, after reviewing the theory of random matrices and symmetric polynomials, a summary of the proof of the character preservation property for Gaussian transformed theorems is presented. Finally, we look at why such relationships exist.

برنامه سخنرانی هشتمین گردهمایی گرانش و ذرات دانشگاه های شمال شرق کشور

هشتمین گردهمایی گرانش و ذرات شمال شرق کشور

🔸 Next Journal Club Session 🔸

🔹Title: Classical Liouville Action and Uniformization of Orbifold Riemann Surfaces: A Geometric Approach to Classical Correlation Functions of Branch Point Vertex Operators

🧑🏻‍🏫 Presenter: Behrad Taghavi (IPM)

🕰 Time: 14:‌00 IRST - Monday 04 December 20‌23 (13 Azar 1402)

📍Location: Ferdowsi University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, Administration Room

📋 Abstract: In this talk, based on 2310.17536, we study the classical Liouville field theory on Riemann surfaces of genus g>1 in the presence of vertex operators associated with branch points of orders mi>1. In particular, classical correlation functions of branch point vertex operators on a closed Riemann surface are related to the on-shell value of Liouville action functional on the same Riemann surface but with the insertion of conical points (of angles 2pi/mi) at the location of these operators. With this motivation, and using the results of 1508.02102 and 1701.00771, we will study the appropriate classical Liouville action on a Riemann orbisurface using the Schottky global coordinates. We will also study the first and second variations of this action on the Schottky deformation space of Riemann orbisurfaces and show that the classical Liouville action is a Kähler potential for a special combination of Weil-Petersson and Takhtajan-Zograf metrics which appear in the local index theorem for Riemann orbisurfaces (see 1701.00771). The obtained results can then be interpreted in terms of the complex geometry of the Hodge line bundle equipped with Quillen’s metric over the moduli space of Riemann orbisurfaces.

لینک شبکه های اجتماعی و راه های ارتباطی گروه ریسمان و هولوگرافی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد:





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Closed String Field Theory
ارائه دهنده: علیرضا پهلوان

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