Ibn Asaakir [rahimahullaah] said:
Know O my brother! May Allaah grant us and you His Pleasure and make us from those who have awe and fear of Him as He should be feared. Indeed, the flesh of the scholars is poisonous and Allaah’s way of disclosing the hidden affairs of those who diminish their worth is well known.
[Tabyeen Kadhib Al-Muftaree Fee Maa Nusiba Ilal-Imaam Abil Hasan Al-Ash’aree: page 29]
Know O my brother! May Allaah grant us and you His Pleasure and make us from those who have awe and fear of Him as He should be feared. Indeed, the flesh of the scholars is poisonous and Allaah’s way of disclosing the hidden affairs of those who diminish their worth is well known.
[Tabyeen Kadhib Al-Muftaree Fee Maa Nusiba Ilal-Imaam Abil Hasan Al-Ash’aree: page 29]