Репост из: Tawheed Awākenīng
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladgidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when you are attacked by both the extreme renegade Khawarij and the Murijiah.
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it is a good sign when you're attacked by both secularists, liberals and democrats.
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when you're in the wanted list of both the renegade khawarij and in the wanted list of the head of the disbelief America.
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when the enemies of Allah and Islam tremble in fear by your presence.
🍃Gladtidings to you, You neither became too lenient nor too extreme in the religion. You are on the middle path of our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW).
🍃Gladtidings to you, You are on the path of what our beloved prophet gave gladtidings for.
🍃May Allah bless you and give you victory against the enemies of Islam and Muslims.
📝Tawheed Awākenīng
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it is a good sign when you're attacked by both secularists, liberals and democrats.
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when you're in the wanted list of both the renegade khawarij and in the wanted list of the head of the disbelief America.
🍃'O the soldiers of Al-Qa'ida everywhere, gladtidings to you. By Allah it's a good sign when the enemies of Allah and Islam tremble in fear by your presence.
🍃Gladtidings to you, You neither became too lenient nor too extreme in the religion. You are on the middle path of our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW).
🍃Gladtidings to you, You are on the path of what our beloved prophet gave gladtidings for.
🍃May Allah bless you and give you victory against the enemies of Islam and Muslims.
📝Tawheed Awākenīng